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Posts posted by Trebor

  1. Yes I was thinking the same thing. The word we're looking for rhymes with "juggling", I believe...


    I was only kidding of course, I would never suggest that one should smuggle anything...... :nono:  


    Ron, You mention that you can get MEK no problem and that Dichloromethane (Plastic Weld) is not available in normal consumer size containers, what size containers are available then?



  2. The Royal Mail will no longer accept solvents, etc. as mail items. So these items are now sent by courier. However, these items are also on the banned list of items of airline operators which most overseas couriers use


    The only way that these items can be sent from the UK to Spain is via road/ferry, etc., which most courier companies don't operate. That is the problem


    Dichloromethane (Plastic Weld) is not available in normal consumer size containers, but Butanone - MEK - Methyl Ethyl Ketone is available as a PVCu cleaner/primer in 500ml tins for €2.40 from the local plumbing and DIY stores


    MEK is ok for ABS and with care also for styrene (very small strip can snap without warning)






    A resourceful man like you Ron, photoshop some spurious labels and get your family to de-label and relabel it to something else. Then the next time they come out to you Ron shove it in the hold luggage shouldn't be a problem, when you consider the aerosols that people place in the luggage for flights I would have thought they would be much more volatile. Lets face it Spainish border controls are not the tightest to say the least.  


    On a recent trip to Tenerife, we had a 7hr delay for the flight home, those nice people at Thomson Holidays feed and watered us and then shipped us back to the airport, when we went back through security the xray operator was more intrested in stirring his coffee than noticing that Mrs Trebor was carrying 500ml sealed bottle of water, which she had purchased airside some 5hrs earlier (before the whole flight was turfed out of the airport)  no challange, infact did not even bat an eyelid.... 




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