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Everything posted by CoombeTown

  1. Thanks Lez, no idea why I hadn't thought of that. It's just the cunning plan I'm after, another thing to add to the jobs list.
  2. Thanks Andy, I'm not really sure what to about track pins, they were well hidden with the initial coat of sleeper grime but the number of times the track has been lifted means they've come a little pronounced. I've always said that Coombe Town is a first foray into exhibition layouts, so it won't be perfect and to be honest, I'm loathed to take up all the track to glue it down. If anyone has any cunning suggestions I'll gladly take them on-board though!
  3. Further progress on project rod, first rod is temporarily fitted as a height test. It's currently a little low compared to the rail height so I shall add some 1mm plasticard underneath to raise it.
  4. 25 rodding stools and 8 crank frame supports later... painted ready to be attached to a paper template this evening. The plan is to complete the right-hand side of the diagram below, the left-hand side will be completed at a later date.
  5. Plan is for square rodding with GWR stools, cranks + compensators. Initially it was only going to be 2 compensators in this run, but following the discussions I've realised that I need to add a 3rd.
  6. Some more progress on the Passengers. With all the recent workload I am now on a much needed 5 day weekend. I have a few trips planned, but around these I am commencing project rod phase 1. This will be all the point rodding from the signal box to the point on the loop. Stage 1 is to paint the concrete blocks.
  7. I've been looking at similar stuff recently Andy. I've found this discussion on the Scalefour forum. I'd also keep an eye on my Coombe Town thread, something that may be of interest arrived last week.
  8. So that turned into a busier 36 hours than expected... so much for one hour of scouting per week, and it's not even term time! Moaning aside, quite an enjoyable day out today. I did sneak in a quick photography session last night, producing these two images. Ignoring the background clutter in the first, it turned out quite nicely. The second needs to be focused further back to capture the brickwork on the bridge better. It seems to have really struggled side on. But that's all in the learning experience.
  9. Well the figures arrived. Received a coat of primer between bits of work yesterday. And progress so far today... I've also just got a phone adaptor for my tripod, hopefully that will lead to some more focus-stacking attempts later on
  10. Looks good Graham! Shame about the mid-ground blur, maybe a couple more images in the layering would help get that spot in focus?
  11. No worries at all, I used 20 repeats + an infinite. I did try 4+1 on an airfix kit but I have found that 20 seems to work better. There may be a middle ground but I haven't had time to try it yet. I'll be looking forward to seeing how you get on!
  12. Ah yes, I think it was your thread I saw the app mentioned. Apologies for not remembering, I am a little bit out of it atm! The focus distance was set to 1.5m for the upper slider and 0.12m for the lower. I think 1.5m may need tuning slightly as the background is still slightly out, but it is a starting point at least.
  13. I used OpenCamera on my phone, then focusstackingonline.com, not sure I would recommend the website though, there was a rather large number of pop-ups appearing
  14. A rather crazy few weeks with work, so little time for modelling again but hopefully that will all relax now... Inspired by @GrahamT's focus stacking pictures, I downloaded some software and produced the attempt below. It's definitely an improvement over what I can achieve with my camera in terms of depth of field. Hopefully, a set of Modelu figures will arrive tomorrow so the weekend will include some figure painting. The aim is to complete these by the Bristol show next weekend so I can install them in the railcar with a sound decoder. Hope everyone is well!
  15. Another weekend without much progress on Coombe Town, I've been a bit busy. Yesterday was spent operating Evercreech New which was on display alongside Heaton Lodge Junction and a number of other wonderful layouts. Below are a selection of photos taken with the operators privilege, inside the barriers...
  16. Super glue is how I tend to use it. I have also thought that maybe a UV curing glue could also work. It would make it easier to put the glue on beforehand, without the quick drying impact of superglue.
  17. Busy couple of days, Didcot yesterday and Yeovil today. Will share some pictures later in the week. This evening I have sat down with the weathering powders to complete the mineral wagon. I've gone from this: To this: Hopefully some point rodding kit from Modelu will arrive whilst I'm away with work this week.
  18. A dark grey wash at lunch and a dark brown after lunch have left the wagon in this state. I left the dark grey wash on a little long for the light weathering I had planned. However, I'm pleased with how it's turned out. Just some powders on the underframe and inside and it shall be complete.
  19. So what has happened in 10 days? Not a lot really, work is incredibly consuming plus I was away for a few days. This is likely to continue for a good weeks yet. Despite this, the retaining wall is now completed and ready to be varnished and weathered. Then this morning the new Rapido 5 & 7-plank wagons arrived. Wonderful models brimming with detail. I particularly appreciate the door planking running over the top of the wagon, often overlooked on lesser models. Finally, in a post work burnout, I have plucked up the courage to start weathering on Oxford 7 plank mineral wagon. So far I have just painted various replaced planks and the door hinges. I'll move on to a dark grey and a brown wash then add some light powder work to bring it all together.
  20. Apologies Andy, response is a bit slow for obvious reasons! The driver is 1073 and the Fireman 1058, just a general loco crew figure.
  21. Fantastic work as ever Graham, good to see the latest pictures. May I suggest that when painting clothing it is good to dry-brush over in a lighter shade to highlight creases etc. It would take your already superb figures to the next level.
  22. After a couple of hours effort last night, the latest pair of Modelu crew have joined the fleet in the Large Prairie. Hopefully, Modelu will produce a dedicated crew for the model as the raised platform puts the drivers head a little high, then this pair can be added to a different engine.
  23. Those look great Andy! Reminds that wagon loads is another thing on the list of things to do..
  24. Thanks Andy, I think that weathering does tie everything together. Leaving everything pristine just annoys me now, although I haven't dared touch a loco yet... Most of the wagons below have been either factory Weathered or professionally done by TMC. The Oxford Mineral wagon in the middle, well that may have to be my next project! I have got dimensions, 14mm from railtop to platform surface. For the distance from the track, I have 12mm but would recommend the pencil on the corner of your longest coach, especially if it's near a curve.
  25. A little bit of modelling since I finished work. Weathering powders added the fence to finish it off Those concrete posts really do need weathering to match! Base colour has also been added to the brick and stone retaining wall behind the signal box.
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