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Status Replies posted by ianmaccormac

  1. Just arrived off San Juan, Puerto Rico, after a voyage from Flushing. Due off here, but as expected, it's not going to happen. Office has now advised all Company ships (30 of them) that there will be no crew changes even attempted until 13th April at the earliest. Hey ho!

    1. ianmaccormac


      Its a bit annoying that isn't it! I used to be in the Merch in the 70's and 80's before coming ashore and had a few delayed changes and then got asked to go back after just two weeks as someone had broken a pelvis. A three day flight to Fiji and then another few months getting back to Hull got me a tax year in which paid for the deposit on my first house! Bank Line, general cargo, several days or weeks alongside in lovely little south pacific islands! Such a hard job!! Wish you fair seas! Cheers Ian

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Does anyone know which issue of Railway Modeller magazine that had an article and track plan for Addiscombe? I remember it being around 2003/4 time.

  3. Does anyone have a copy of the instructions for a Wills Finecast LB&SCR E5 they can send me a picture of. I have a second hand one that didn't have any and I can't for the life of me find how the trailing wheel attaches to the Hornby Dublo 0-6-0 chassis and sits in the right place

  4. Does anyone have a copy of the instructions for a Wills Finecast LB&SCR E5 they can send me a picture of. I have a second hand one that didn't have any and I can't for the life of me find how the trailing wheel attaches to the Hornby Dublo 0-6-0 chassis and sits in the right place

  5. Does anyone have a copy of the instructions for a Wills Finecast LB&SCR E5 they can send me a picture of. I have a second hand one that didn't have any and I can't for the life of me find how the trailing wheel attaches to the Hornby Dublo 0-6-0 chassis and sits in the right place

  6. Does anyone have a copy of the instructions for a Wills Finecast LB&SCR E5 they can send me a picture of. I have a second hand one that didn't have any and I can't for the life of me find how the trailing wheel attaches to the Hornby Dublo 0-6-0 chassis and sits in the right place

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