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Everything posted by Aberbrothock

  1. Just a minor diversion......... A friend is passing on an old tinplate Hornby station building, and I've posed a rusty loco and coaches beside it just for effect. A hint of the way things were many years ago! Now to get back to assembling my block of flats for the "real" layout. Pics to follow soon - honest!
  2. The block of 1952 vintage flats is now beginning, finally, to take shape - two pics attached of today's progress, with still much to do re windows, doors and curtains,etc., - and the roof! It's almost like coming out of hibernation...........
  3. Hi Les You're not on vacation in Australia are you? Fife very stormy tonight but we'll survive..... Kind regards Ken
  4. Hi Rich - Many thanks! We all do our own "thing" to the best of our abilities, but I do like to think I've caught the atmosphere of the old place quite well. Regards Ken
  5. Hi Les Your C16 looks great - buffer shanks are red for BR and LNER, but look black in NB livery - all you have to do are the "finishing" touches! Very unfortunately, my father-in-law passed away two weeks ago today, and the funeral was last Thursday, so with all the admin., family visits, etc., modelling has had no place in the greater scheme of things, but hopefully we'll get back on track this week. My own health is not too bad and I'm trying to avoid colds,flu, etc., so that nothing gets the chance to get worse..... Hope you're still progressing well. The block of flats is again on the priority list. Regards Ken
  6. Talking of buses on bridges, here's a Northbound bus on Keptie Street in Arbroath in the late 'sixties. There must have been a bump to put the street light at such an angle - must get it sorted.
  7. Haven't done much more on the block of flats, but took these pics this afternoon as a reminder that there is still a layout "up there" in the loft.......... Type 2, (class 27), leaving the toonie for the North with a local passenger train. A2 A H Peppercorn waits for the off under the Keptie Street overbridge. Hope U like.
  8. Thanks Les All the best to you and yours for a healthy and productive 2017. Been working on the block of flats over the last few days after a long hiatus of feeling under the weather and the attention of nurses, etc. - and Christmas and its preparations were of course significant............ Should have something worth photographing in a week or so, or have I said that before???? Kind regards Ken
  9. Hi Les Been under the medics again, unfortunately, but now improving again - may get some more work done on the flats before next week, when we're off to Lincoln - seeing sister in law and visiting the Christmas Market. One step forward............... Kind regards Ken
  10. Whatever your orientation, it in no way detracts from being one of the finest layouts around! Thank you for sharing it with us. Ken
  11. I don't like to be picky, but if that's the eastern end of the sheds/TMD, would it not be sunrise rather than sunset?
  12. It's actually up to me to post more on the thread, but my impetus is a bit stunted at the moment - too much focus on the chest challenges, but hopefully that'll soon ease..........
  13. Having dug out my copy of the book, my second theory is that they could be pressure relief valves to do with the air brake, and the lever could well be a damper to add extra draught to the fire grate. Correct answers on a postcard please!
  14. Hi Les The bulb-like things could well be clack valves, but then I could be horribly wrong - others who know will correct me! The T shaped lever might be an aid for emptying the grate, but then again, I could be horribly wrong....... One thing I do know for certain is that my block of flats is using card from analysis pads backing card which we used to go through like there was no tomorrow in the CA office where I worked - I never throw anything out if it could have a modelling use! Now we wait for the real answers re the 439........ Ken
  15. What you might call the essence of scratch building - Lots of side walls and gable ends, with the blank back walls and roof parts still to be cut out. Much still to be done, but some progress at least.......
  16. Heading off with the caravan tomorrow, but taking the, (double thickness), card walls for the block of flats for Dishlandtown Street with me - there are over 100 window and door apertures to be cut out, so plenty to keep me occupied if it rains......... At least the back wall can be left blank!
  17. It looks fine - quite a useful addition to the "stud".
  18. The "real" 439, aka 419 is undergoing major overhaul at Bo'ness and these pics show her frames and wheels last month. No real help as to the wheel quartering, but interesting nevertheless.
  19. I sincerely hope they did, because mine are at 90 degrees, right side leading! Haven't been entirely idle over the past weeks, but have been again slowed down by having to take the dreaded antibiotics, and enduring a week in the soul-destroying Ninewells Hosp., but thankfully have since regained freedom, and am working on a 1952 built block of flats on the embankment at the south end of the station. I'm using an old Bilteezi sheet as a template, but as usual, I'm having to adapt the building size, shape and layout to realistically fit the space available. Pics to follow soon, hopefully.
  20. New garage building pretty well complete and planted on the layout - another space filled - but to be bedded in.... Just about to move off the workbench. View from south west. View from north west. Don't ask about the "front" doors - they don't exist! First use of downloaded Scalescenes old corrugated iron roofing and old brickwork - quite good, I think.
  21. Hi Les Not totally hibernating, but not very active on the modelling front. I'm just finishing a pretty simple model of the garage/workshop on Dishlandtown Street which will fill another space behind the cutting towards Dundee. Pics to follow in the next couple of days, hopefully. I was at Bo'ness with the Angus Railway Group on Tuesday, and stood beside the dismantled fames, etc., of CR419 which is getting a thorough overhaul - nice to get up close and personal! Kind regards Ken
  22. Finally got round to assembling and fitting and painting the valances for the Up platform canopy tonight - they seem to look a bit more correct and complete now.... Should give some impetus to get on with tidying details up a bit, and then doing a bit more to the background buildings on the other side of Keptie Street.
  23. Awaiting the next train from Platform 4, Arbroath, 1950's....
  24. It's a very wet day today in St Andrews, and I've finally got round to painting the platform canopy valancing and returning the canopy to its rightful position. The difference is remarkable and I'm delighted how the York Modelmaking etches turned out. Now I really must do the other canopy!
  25. Truth is I didn't have a Carnoustie poster, but the St Andrews one seemed appropriate, given that in pre-Tay Road Bridge days, St Andrews was a fair trek away, and of course at that time still had its railway!
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