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Posts posted by duckweed

  1. I stand corrected..... God six days....Allan six hours. How does he do it? He could make a video but it would have to be slowed down to a speed that us mortals could follow. :) Mind you he is still in the first flush of youth and will probably slow down a bit after his telegram from the queen arrives. I picture Taz the Tasmanian devil, a whirling cloud of colron and fire clay out of which keep popping the most amazing buildings.





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  2. About time those gutters went on, talk about damp walls. Those poor little folks, two years of green mould. :) Finally caught up on this thread and am just adding my bit of praise. The buildings and street scenes are superb and you have really captured the mucky stonework and somewhat bleak atmosphere of the time.




  3. I don't think it's fair Allan taking all the credit!! What about the 50 or so elves who must be helping? :) For fifty years I still don't know how he does it. What's next another cathedral in a week? :)

    Seriously good modelling Allan, but then we would expect nothing less. I'll pop back tomorrow and see the finished village....

    Just one question Allan. How do you work at that speed and still keep all your fingers? :)




  4. Hi everyone,

    Can I just say what a marvelous time I have had working my way through this thread. Not just the inspirational and at times daunting quality of the modelling, but also the friendly, funny and entertaining banter.

    My first attempts at building a model railway was back in.... surely not 1974. Terminated two years later due to a house move. Luckily kept some of the rolling stock and am now trying build a not totally accurate rendition of Barnsley in n gauge when it had two stations, around 1960.

    If ever a thread had the perfect title this is it, and it just keeps getting better. :)



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