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Posts posted by Iankirby

  1. 1 hour ago, Dunsignalling said:

    If the railway wasn't there, they'd have a lot more to worry about than losing a bit of beach. Contrary to what one interviewed objector implied, this project isn't about protecting the railway from the sea, it's to stop it getting buried under cliff falls.


    AIUI, the planned relocation is quite limited - just a matter of the down line becoming the up line with a new down line added on the seaboard side. So, probably only about five metres. Whether or not you lose "half the beach" will obviously depend on whether the tide is in or out, though I think I can guess which measurement the complainers will be quoting.  


    I think/hope NR's intention is to create a trench where the up line is at present so that anything that falls from the cliffs won't go any further and can presumably then be removed to make room for the next lot....


    The better plan IMHO would be compulsory purchase the cliff top properties, knock them down and grade the cliffs back to stable angle.



    Which is what I believe happened before the cliff top was built upon.

  2. My personal mission has been aborted due to the fragile signalling system between Yeovil and Exeter.


    Looking at it positively, I've just arrived home twelve hours early and a couple of hundred quid better off............


    Have a good day everyone else.



    Should have gone the other way. My train to Exeter was an on time arrival. Although I did wonder heather there was a challenge on to work out how many up services NR could fit into the section between Honiton and Yeovil.



    ( who spent the day riding up the Dawlish sea wall rather than Warley)

  3. First whisky I tasted (courtesy of Wallace Arnold) and still my favourite is Glendronach. Julie bought me a bottle for my birthday in February and it's near the end of the bottle now - in fact the last dram is reserved for my traditionall post Midnight Communion tipple in about 4 hours from now... Dalwinnie is a very acceptable substitute, however.

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