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Posts posted by Linners

  1. I'm really pleased to see such a fantastic layout featured in BRM. I saw it at a show last year and it's nothing less than breath-taking. A wonderful rendition of a line in flux, the builders should be proud of their achievements and thanks to the BRM staff for including it. Can't wait for my copy of BRM to arrive!


    • Like 2
  2. Nice to see/hear that you' re back on the circuit Marc - and thanks for posting the Ogmore Rd layout - as someone from the 'Diff this layout always had a resonance with me and it's lovely to see some pictures of it again. Likewise, your  Brachdy Bridge micro was always a convincing "some where around Cardiff" type scene. I wish you all the best with the new project and look forward to seeing it!



    • Thanks 1
  3. R and R hobbies is located in Swansea City Centre, Holt Model Railways is at the end of a pleasant bus ride/drive to the Gower. R and R hobbies railway dep't is located upstairs and is not always open, even when the shop and plastic kits section, located downstairs, is open. 


    Regards, Mark

  4. I've just picked up a copy of this months edition of BRM - I'm not a regular reader of any magazine, preferring to buy particular editions if they have an article that enthuses or informs me. The motivating factor this month was John Taylor's article "Churchill Halt". I was following this blog on RMWeb, but jumped at the chance to actually read and view a hard copy article. It's a wonderful project and I look forward to seeing the finished layout. I was also really pleased to read Phil's piece on "fiddlesticks". Something that I have been contemplating for a while, but I lacked any real insight into how to make a start..


    Now with all this mention of Layout ideas, and the plethora of dockside shunting loco's that are currently, or shortly will be available, I do think a new layout build article by AndyY for Keyhaven II is definitely in order!!


    Thanks to all the contributors and publishing team for an enjoyable read!

    • Like 1
  5. Must admit I have been disappointed with the club this year. My membership is up for renewal next month and the jury is out on renewal. The club magazine seems poorer than ever and there are less of them. I used to benefit from the 10% discount in several locations but even that is restricted these days. The £20 voucher is also restricted to club models only whereas previously it was useable on all products on the Hornby website. I spent this year's voucher on the Jinty as it was the only model that remotely interested me. If they don't produce new models for next year I doubt there will be anything for me to spend the voucher on.

    I must admit that my feelings are the same - and I would have preferred to spend the voucher on "non-club models". Sadly, I did not find the club magazine to be that informative or useful and in all probability will not be renewing my membership this year.



  6. Rob,


    I loved Osney Town, the Loco shed and your other micro's too. In fact Osney Town made me review the Barry Norman plan for Dursley, and I have attempted to create something similar, with a heavy leaning towards OT but including a few more points. My efforts are in OO gauge, but I really love the attention to detail and the way in which you "craft" your scenery. Your latest project is coming along beautifully, everything feels right, and when you know that you have achieved that then clearly you're on the right track! My layout has laid dormant for a while, that's just me unfortunately, but I can only thank you for the inspiration that you have given me, and the enjoyment of watching everything come together so nicely. If/when I complete mine, I'll post a few pictures, although it's never going to be on the same level or as good as other layouts, but I must thank you for sharing your layout with us.



  7. I've just bought one in BR black from MIB models in Porthcawl - Alan, the proprietor, had ordered 12, which arrived yesterday and he only had 2 left (all in BR black) today. That's not bad going when one considers the earlier debate about top feeds and steps etc. I'm very pleased with mine, if you are thinking of getting one then you might want to move quickly!



  8. Much has been written concerning detail differences between the forthcoming Bachmann models and the actual locomotive. However I have a question which I am struggling to answer and that is related to their role. I appreciate that they were designed, and built, at the outset to operate on passenger autotrain duties, but is there any evidence of them working freight duties? If so could anyone direct me to the relevant book/picture, as my library consists mainly of Ian Allan type portfolios and I have not found an suggestion that they may have been used on anything but autocoach duties.





  9. The thing which concerns me about this sort of duplication (for it seems likely that is exactly what it is) is the fact that someone might have gone to considerable efforts to ensure that they can produce all common variants of a particular class (e.g. all three of the radials in their final BR condition, not an easy task) and thus have spent a lot of time and possibly money getting things sorted before announcing.  Equally their announcement could be part of a long term product plan which they have gradually been working towards.


    Then another party suddenly comes into the situation with what might be - as far as modellers are concerned - no reputation and no 'pedigree' in development terms who offer up what might or might not be just a single version but which gets other running numbers and liveries slapped on it.  In the meanwhile because they are further behind or because the emerging competition is spinning an over-optimistic yarn the folk who've put in masses of hard work and taken time to get it right before going public are left holding a lot of useful research and good production ideas but little else.  Net result is that not only does the innovator lose out but also modellers might get a poorer deal.


    And I wonder if wishlists might well have contributed to this state of affairs as folk with little else in the way of background or knowledge, and possibly even limited direct contact with modellers, simply cherry pick high scorers off wishlists?


    Didn't a certain Mr SK, formerly of Hornby, fire a warning shot across our bows advising us to "Be careful for what we wish for"?

  10. Regarding what Andy Y says about their weathering.Have to say that it's the best "off the shelf" around.They have an artist's eye and I believe that is literally true in their case.

    I have bought several weathered models from L and B and I'm very pleased with them. For what it's worth I believe that Adrian has an MA in fine art!

  11. Heljan do seem to play their cards close to their chest! Perhaps this is how they prefer to develop and produce models, whereas the other RTR manufacturers are happy to reveal pictures of their progress through the development cycle. I am looking forward to seeing these pannier tanks, and I too wonder what progress has been made, and indeed when they are likely to be available - I guess we'll just have to wait.



  12. Nice...but you have an excellent retailer in Cardiff in the form of Lord & Butler.Sorry if I'm off topic on this one but in fairness to them,I couldn't let that one pass by.

    No, you're spot on about Lord and Butler, it's just a case of wanting what I can't have! I'd still love to visit Kernow, maybe if I'm in Cornwall one day. But if there are any Cornish folk (dare I call you Piskies?) thinking of visiting Cardiff, do give Lord and Butler a visit!



  13. I'm glad I can't visit - they're producing so much that I want (1361, 02, LSWR gatestock and road van) I think I'll be spending more with Kernow in the future than I will with the leading RTR manufacturers. I just can't imagine what else I'd end up with if I visited in person! No chance of a "pop-up" shop in Cardiff is there?



  14. Hi folks,


    Over the last few years I have made occasional orders from Simon; all books have been in perfect condition, promptly dispatched and well-packaged.  A nice touch is the handwritten thank-you note.


    He's recently changed his image as rather than a film poster card of the 'Titfield Thunderbolt' it's a selfie of Simon in 'Denis the Menace' mode. :scared:


    No connection with the business other than as a very satisfied customer.





    I would concur with this post...I have no association with Simon or the Titfield Thunderbolt.

  15. Interesting, but not all together unexpected considering their announcement to cover the 1366 Pannier tank. However, AS WBF suggests, they will probably drop it now that Kernow and DJM are on the case and working to produce the 1361 Saddle tank (and are well advanced in the design/production process). Part of me is disappointed that Chris and DJM were unable to get a 1366 to market first, as these are amongst my favourite of the pannier tank designs, and based on previous releases (the Beattie Well tank is superb, and I have no doubt that the O2 will maintain the high standrads that have been set) it would have been a gem, as well as offering them opportunity to extend production into the 1361 prototype too. More over, Kernow and DJM are very good at keeping the customer base informed and up to date, where as Heljan tend to play their cards closer to their chests - I'm not sure how far along the 1366 design and production is and when we can expect it.



  16. I've just returned from holiday and caught up on this news item - terrific! Thanks to Kernow, Didcot and DJM. I also notice that several members appear to be looking for an "excuse" to run one on their layouts. Well I've never felt the need to be totally constrained by this doctrine, having a slightly more relaxed view of what I run on my railway. However, now that the 1361, 1366 and Southern USA tanks have been announced I envisage a quayside micro layout in the offing! What a shame Andy Y has already sold Quayhaven.



    • Like 1
  17. Hi Linners,


    Very much wish

    It's territory ;-) , but I have made a note and have a look at them just in case.



    Thanks Dave, I appreciate what you're saying and couldn't ask for more.


    all the best,



  18. Hi Dave,


    I've arrived a tad late to this topic but would like to to put some suggestions to you. Many modellers seem very focussed on locomotives, and indeed your initial releases will be loco's but would you consider some passenger rolling stock? I notice someone mentioned rolling stock earlier on, and you hinted at "aquatic" examples - possibly tying in with the old Railway Modeller Marine Biology articles in the eighties? If so, I'd love to see some of these find their way into the N-gauge shrink ray. However,my query relates to some of the more eclectic passenger stock, and as I model GWR/BR western region,what about some of the coaches that have yet to be picked up by the bigger RTR players? My suggestions are purely personal but would incude accurate clerestory coaches, particularly the non-corridor types, a slip coach, top lights and even some of the more unusual auto trailers that operated in the S. Wales valleys. I would also love to see and ex-LMS type push pull coach.


    Best wishes and good luck with your products,



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  19. Rivercider,


    Many thanks for posting these, they're fabulous, and having visited your FlickR site I was thrilled to see some from South Wales  and the Valleys, an area that seldom gets a look in. As to quality and composition, I'm sure that you would have found a willing buyer or publisher! That said, I think it's absolutely fantastic that you have chosen to share these with us.

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