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Posts posted by bnb

  1. These look more like 4.6 ohm resistors to me ,which would limit the current to the small motor thus reducing the risk of burning it out.  As the resistors are in series the total resistance would be 4.6 x 2= 9.2 Ohm.  Use a mutlimeter to check the value.  It could be a case off remove at the risk of burning out the motor.

  2. Wheels sourced were 10.5mm in diameter and the axle length was 26mm.  Axle length is irrelevant as the tubing can be moved either in or out to accommodate any length.  The bogies are the old metal type  with open axle boxes , this is why you can push the tubing in from the outside of the axle boxes.  The wheels were sourced from a supplier who also supplied american parts so they may be american profile, but they were the same size as the original plastic wheels. 

  3. How I Replace wheels on older Triang wagons.

    This is my first post using photos so I hope it works

    I used Evergreen 3/32 “ tube for this replacement as it contrasts better with the frame, 3/32 brass can be used and this will give brass bearings. Why 3/32 because it fits neatly into the bogie axle hole. Cut the strips longer than needed soo that you have something to grip and adjust the wheel set.

    Ensure that one end of the tube is square and debur it (this end goes against wheel axle) photo 1

    Put one side in and position flush with the inside of the wheel set. photo 2

    Put wheel in by sliding into empty axle box and then sliding it over so that the tapered end of the axle is located in the hole of the tube.

    Push the other side in and centre the wheel set. photo 3

    Make sure that the wheel set is centred and that it rotate freely. photo 4

    Apply superglue to outside of tube. photo 5

    Repeat for other wheels.

    When the superglue has set, cut off the surplus plastic and paint black. photo 6

    Finding the correct size wheel is more of a problem for me.








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