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The Blue Streak

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Posts posted by The Blue Streak

  1. Full moon last night.


    There seemed to be a lot of owls out and about. Parked up on various lineside scenery.

    Mostly the large white type as can be found in Western Australia.

    But the odd tawny frogmouth was floating around too.


    No pictures sorry, as we were rattling along quite nicely although they dont seem to be perturbed by the presence of the train.


    However a friend recently found this one near the side of the road. It thankfully survived the night and was dropped off at a wildlife carers the next day. 

    By all accounts its doing quite nicely.




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  2. So the count as of today.


    2 x Atholl ( one is horse shoe)

    1 x montrose

    2 x Nigel Gresleys (1 is horseshoe)

    1 x silver king

    1 x Early motor Bristol Castle

    1 x early motor 8F

    4  × 4mt tanks ( 1 has a wrenn lms body)

    4 x 0-6-2 tanks.

    About 15 coaches varying from post war Gresley teaks to super detail MK1's.

    And about 30 various wagons, fuel tankers, vans, horseboxes etc.

    There is also some dublo platforms, stations, signal cabins, foot bridges, signals and turntable etc.

    More recent aquisitions are the must have breakdown crane and operating mail coach.

    Theres a tiny bit of 2 rail stuff and a couple of Wrenns awaiting conversion.


    Reading through that. Theres seems to be quite a bit in a relatively short time. Whoops.

    But it was mostly funded through selling off other collections of modern built gear.


    Yes Id definately say addictive.

    But a lot of fun too.

    Its So relaxing to pull one of these apart and get it running. 

    Rather than the hair pulling experience of modern chinese made models.


    Today we are running tank engines.



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  3. Hello all,

    Bit late to this topic as Im a relative new comer to dublo.

    Having only been messing about with it for a year or so.

    I have read through the whole thread now and have found some interesting information.

    Personally I started into 3 rail with a little 0-6-2 train set. Which I had acquired.

    I was so impressed with it and the solid nature of the build quality on what was almost 70 years old that it was soon added to with more track and a 4mt with a rake of blood and custard ex lms coaches.

    I have pretty much sold off most of my modern built model railway collection and built a 50s style dublo trainset. (Definately not a model railway)

    I keep buying all these non running locos and with a minimum of fuss and a quick zap with the re magnetiser. Theyve nearly all turned into wonderful runners.

    Its a little addictive. 😂


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  4. 20231015_093922.jpg.acfa037970c2c4de94442a9fe3322bf7.jpgWhat a fascinating topic.

    It's really interesting to hear different views and opinions.

    I have been down that path where Ive owned all the latest and greatest ultra detailed models from all the  manufacturers.

    Strived to build the perfect model railway. Where every detail is as good as I could make it.

    Been down the DCC route and it just didnt feel like I was enjoying it anymore. 

    I drive on the 1 to 1 scale railway and I could never quite get it to feel quite right for my tastes.

    A little while ago, I found an old Dublo 3 rail set kicking around.

    I set her up and ran it around and enjoyed it so much that I actually started selling off all my newer models, ripped my old layout apart, the funds from which more than paid for a decent sized collection of dublo 3 rail. I built myself a "train set" and just played trains.

    I keep buying all these non running 3 rail locos for parts, but with a minimum of fuss keep getting them all running. Cosmetically I leave them alone, as I feel the little nicks and bumps give them character and tell a story of their life.

    They are bullet proof, easy to work on and most of all great fun. The only tools you need are a multimeter, a couple of old meccano spanners and a flat blade screw driver ( I did however invest in one of Mr Dodds excellent re magnetisers).

    I have a couple of locos dating back to the 40s that run a treat after just a clean and service and Im having fun again.

    So in my opinion, "were any of them any good?"

    I think they were and are, bloody marvellous.







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  5. Good Afternoon Tony (and everyone else). I just this morning picked up My June copy of Hornby Mag from the newsagent. (Yes it really does take that long to get it, out here in country WA) 


    I have to say it was a smashing read and the text and piccys were very good. I rarely buy magazines anymore as most of what I need to know can be found online, but I had to make an exception for this one (and of course the one with Gilbert's PN in it, earlier on).


    You should be well pleased with the results. 


    Cheers Ted

  6. Its total nonsense anyway Alfa and Ferrari are both owned by FIAT . For some reason, they still try and pretend they are are seperate companies like many others do in the commercial world.



    The current cars sums up F1's big problem there is no room for any creativity , a huge fuss if someone dares to even attempt to "bend" the rules, or add a new part or shape . The only place for invention is in the engine/gearbox which no ever sees , that is where the big money goes . The rule book is too far to restrictive, as I said before the budgets should be capped before its too late.


    Its  far too sanitised nowadays,the god awful Halo sums is up , I understand the thinking behind it , but sadly you might as well put a roof on and call it open wheel sportscar  racing. There needs to be a element of danger, otherwise there is  no challenge or excitement for anybody including the drivers.


    They will probably ban going into the pits during safety cars periods next. Another source of possible entertainment for the watcher to lose. Mercedes will be throwing their handbag about as they lost in the last race.


     Get rid of all the electronic controls, go back to  manual gearboxes and small wings, then we might see some racing, not yet another two weekly procession. 


    Well said Mick. But getting back on to the subject of wings, I like the Idea of wings on an F1 car, it's part of the DNA of them since the early 70's and it's a look that people immediately think of if you mention F1.


    But I do agree that that should not only be reduced in size but also be restricted to a maximum of two planes front and back, ie a main plane and a gurney flap type smaller plane.


    As for all the other things you've mentioned, I think many would agree. Lets get back to it being the World Drivers Championship. Not a championship for the having most gizmos that get you to the front  but cant run further back than first without losing all the performance :)

    • Like 1
  7. Nothing compared to the cry babies from Australia... You got caught cheating, crying won't get you any sympathy (apart from overpaid television presenters) so get over it!



    If this is about the cricket, No one in Australia is crying, as a general rule the Australian Public is totally peeved at the antics certain members of the cricket team, Just about everyone I've spoken to, fully support the bans that have been put in place and most of us think they haven't gone far enough. So I don't know where your getting your information from.


    Crikey talk about drawing a long bow to try and support an argument discussion about F1. (Perhaps your still a little miffed about the Ashes) :O


    PS if you learned a bit more about us instead of jumping to conclusions or making decisions on what you may have seen or heard in various Media, You might understand that, Yes We are mad on sport and Yes We like to win, but We don't accept cheating. You can have a look at the reaction from the bulk of Australia when the Essendon Football club got caught up in a drugs scandal a few years back, virtually the whole club (Players, coaches, medical staff and officials) received lengthy suspensions or lifetime bans and the bulk of Australians supported the punishments.

  8. The N5 has no reason to go all stroppy, Gilbert, the Claude is representative of the girl that was forever out of my reach....the N5 is the solid dependable type that would put up with me!


    Using that theory, then Persimmon just above must be the Locomotive equivalent of Princess Grace  :heart_mini: :heart_mini: :heart_mini: 

    She's simply stunning.

    • Like 1
  9. FIA needs to do a bit more to at least maintain their credibility:



    I don't think I'm too fussed at all if there are close technical tie ups between teams, If it means the same 6 blokes aren't at the front of the grid every race and it brings some unpredictability to the racing with a couple more players elevated from the mid pack to mix it up, then bring it on.


    Back in the day a new player to F1 could go over and see the blokes from March or whatever and buy parts or even a complete car and go racing, Crikey even Ken Tyrrell and Frank Williams bought March cars from Max Mosley at one point, Graham Hill bought a car off Shadow, Rob walker bought various Lotus' (Loti?) it goes on and on. Williams were selling cars for the likes of Rupert Keegan etc.


    The same finger pointing was going on at Torro Rosso a few years back, so We all know it happens, I bet by next year there will be more of a technical tie up between Alfa and Ferrari. They should just make it open and transparent and move on, it's already happening. 

    Remember all that time there were officially no team orders between teammates. It still went on but with some Academy award winning performances especially with Shuey and Rubens. So they just made it legal to stop the charades.


    As long as the parent team aren't seen to be manipulating the efforts of it's customer's and ultimately the results, then bring it on I say.


    Anyway, the current cars all look so identical to Me that they all seem to have copied someone, If you pained them all matt black, I reckon even the teams would be hard pressed to pick their own cars out of a bunch :D



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    On the other one, we get part of a signal hanging in thin air. Now that was a problem for photographers of the real thing too, I've seen plenty of such images, but of course I could photoshop it out. Does it materially affect your enjoyment of the scene?


    I think it's best left in Gilbert, I like to see the close up pictures as those that may have been taken on the day in '58. Warts and all.


    However saying that I also like to see pictures that show the layout as it is, an actual working layout with bookshelves and all.


    But then I'm easy to please, and I understand that others may wish to see pictures that look like the perfect photo (the one out of 20 that used to occur back in the days of film). Crikey for every roll of 24 that I would get processed at the chemist, I'd be happy with one or two. It's all so easy now, don't like it - delete it from the cameras hard drive and there you go, no more hard earned pocket money spent on naff photo's.

  11. Sponsorship is everything in the gravy-train of motorsport these days, so Haas making themselves look like donkeys to aid Ferrari won’t wash, as their sponsors want a success, not a lampoon.


    Completely agree, You only had to look at the faces of the Haas team, to see that they wanted badly to get a result, those pit boys were gutted.

    The conspiracy theory just doesn't fly with me I'm afraid.

  12. What the sport needs is a reduction in Horsepower (and probably dollars) to a level that still remains exciting to watch but with which a  seat of the pants driver can rag the thing at 10 /10ths without fearing a blow up or a grid penalty next race if he does manage to blow  a dirty great hole in the crankcase.


    But with tyres that will go away if you do fang it too hard.


    Then Imagine the battles, The Max's of the world ragging the thing to death for 3/4 of the race and getting a gap and then holding off the wily old Fernando's of the world at the end who used a little more cunning and went a little slower but saved rubber for the end.


    For those of a certain age - think Niki Lauda the wily old fox and a Hard charging Andrea De Cesaris.

    • Like 1
  13. Ian, My reading is that the sport has been overrun with computer nerds and propeller heads who require a program for everything.


    If the weathers iffy, simple, stick your head outside and see if it's raining.


    If there's a prang somewhere then wave double yellows, if a driver fails to slow down at the double yellows, then fine them 10 grand and 10 points. If there are no double yellows in the section you are in - the driver pulls his finger out and gets on with it.


    If the prang is so bad that double yellows wont cut it, then bring out a proper safety car. If that bunches the field then refer to line 3 and pull your finger out when the green comes out.


    Virtual safety car - My ar$e.


    All the best chaps - Ted

    • Like 2
  14. Anyone else hearing the wonderful Dawn Chorus the last few days? mainly Blackbirds here but very loud indeed.

    Also heard several Chif Chaff today. 



    Not so much a chorus here Phil, but the screeching of probably close to a Thousand Corellas just after sunup. They turn up en masse late March every year, strip all the leaves off the trees and bu##er off again after a few months, the noise is immense.


    This little fella and his mate however just chitter chatter away, they are utterly fearless and come right up on the back veranda and shout at the cat through the window. Which is what was going on here.

    They may not be full of bright colours but Willie Wagtails make up for it with their Character.




    Sorry about the flyscreen in the way. One of the drawbacks of living in Oz I'm afraid.

    • Like 4
  15. The finches around My house often fly up and remove any stray feathers that My Cockatiel moults and get caught in the bars of her cage. Just the smaller downy ones mind you.

    I have even seen them pulling stuffing out of a small hole in a cushion on My neighbours patio furniture.

    They are quite resourceful.

    • Like 3
  16. The problem is the same as it has been for several years. F1 sees itself as the cutting edge of technology as far as Motorsport is concerned not as  entertainment.


    As long as they are allowed to continue designing cars that are aerodynamically perfect in clean air, but utter rubbish in dirty air, then passing in F1 will never get any different.


    I thought We may have been on the right track a year or so back when wheels and tyres were being made bigger again in the name of Mechanical grip (but which were designed to go off quite quickly). However then they let them keep the multi tiered front wings etc, not only keep them but allow teams to make them more intricate and even more aero sensitive.




    At least the Force India's have decent - ish radiator openings in order to run at a sensible temp mid pack. The Mercs are so small that they overheat as soon as the get within cooee of anything in front of them, quite obviously not designed to run further back than the very front.

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