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Floreat Industria

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Posts posted by Floreat Industria

  1. Posted 6 hours ago

      On 31/01/2024 at 11:42, melmerby said:

    I always think those tenders look as though the designer was worried about the train being in a head-on or hitting an immovable object, and the wedge shaped of the tender is so that the rest of the train will be deflected upwards.  I still wouldn't fancy the crew's chances though.


    That reminded me of when an NER snowplough with Wilson Worsdell and a friend inside ran into the train they were rescuing. Worsdell got a broken leg and the friend was killed

    NER Annitsford accident 1888. Wilson Worsdell badly broken leg in plough..jpg

  2. I see from Ade's picture that 82029 has the same "water capacity" plate at the front as 82030 on the Dapol website. This is correct on the back of the bunker but the front should have works plates reading "Built 1954 Swindon". These are all pre-production locos. I hope it is corrected on the production models. 

  3. On 27/11/2022 at 20:30, silverlink said:

    Can't wait for the release of this loco, we had four of them here in Scarborough, my late farther in law was a driver at Scarborough and would be driving them on a regular basis.

    It's interesting that two of the four 82027 and 82029 are being produced by Lionheart.

    Ian H



    I'm very keen as well. Darlington had 82028 and 82029 from new in 1954 to 1958. 82026 and 82027 started at Kirkby Stephen and these four were all at Scarborough for a time. I remember very clearly being in the upstairs front of a double decker in North Road, Darlington, on my way either to prep school or the grammar school when 82028 crossed the bridge, probably on its way to Stainmore. I was intrigued by the way its number was the same either way. I will have to buy the unnumbered one and put the numbers on myself. Not a problem as I've just changed a D20 4-4-0 from plain black BR to fully lined original NER livery! 

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  4. My A4 had a lot of extra parts to fit in packets but no fall plate, coal load or couplings. Hattons say they unfortunately haven't got any and they are altering their site to say so, but they are all things that I can easily add myself, like the cab handrail. Fortunately, all the obscure little parts are present.

  5. It's most annoying. Some book dealers will list the same book on say ABE, Alibris, Biblio and eBay and when it sells they don't immediately remove it from the other sites.


    In my house I am running out of space and the books are having to fight with the locomotives!

  6. On 27/10/2021 at 19:10, Roy Langridge said:


    But there was nothing to stop the chains being used to keep the brakes off on x of the wagons whilst men sat on y wagons applying the brakes. Just because they all had brakes, doesn't mean they all had to be manually operated on a train.



    For downhill braking, the video in an earlier post is excellent, at 9.38


    (1) Seaham Harbour Coal derails, runaways, gravity & steam shunts 1963 - YouTube

  7. It's certainly a mystery. Is smokebox door swapping beyond the bounds of possibility? I used to send my 5/- postal order to York for these number plates and then take the receipt down the road to North Road Shops to choose one. Those were the days!


    I wonder how the BR livery models are coming on. At least the "Ever Given" should be on its way again soon with, I believe, some Dapol models on, although it's still in the Great Bitter Lake as I write.


    I'm also looking forward to Bachmann's D5094, Darlington Works' first main line diesel, but they will both come eventually. I only hope I'm still alive! 


    I got sick of Hornby putting the Hush-Hush date forward so treated myself to a superb hand-built O gauge model by Nick Dunhill. I used to gaze at the large model in the erstwhile Darlington museum when I was little.









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  8. Today the "Coming Soon" section of the Hornby website is showing

    R3840-2   October

    R3843-4   November

    R3978-80 December

    All are showing, inconsistently, "Pre-order for Autumn"


    • Funny 1
  9. I've cracked it. It's only me! You have to click on "Summer 2021" and a green bar moves to the right and all the June items appear. The "coming soon" is at the bottom when you choose "catalogue" at the top.

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