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Blog Entries posted by matt9f

  1. matt9f
    Hi all. This will be my first proper go at making a layout after a few years of toying around with temporary tracks on tables etc. I'm hoping this blog will provide a means to encourage myself to progress the layout, as well as keeping the interest alive and getting input from fellow modellers. After so many years of reading about railways and modelling them it's about time i have something to show for it!. I'm hoping to make it of Exhibition quality and DCC automation as i enjoy a challenge and find digital control fascinating. Dimensions are 4.5x0.6m overall with the two boards splitting at the scenic break. The scenic board is slightly larger at 2.4m (standard mdf sheet size split down the middle). One condition i have set myself is that the track must be the Hornby set track iv'e accumulated over the years.
    The layout, as it manifests itself in my head at this time of writing, will be based on the area which i emigrated from some years ago, namely the Telford district in Shropshire. I'll also incorporate style cues from the Welsh country that boards with Shropshire, and the Cambrian Coast area which my family and i frequented for holidays. Many fond memories of watching the various lines (standard and narrow) winding through the countryside from the car window. So there is also some sentimental value to me in modelling this area.
    The time period will stretch across the 1960's as this will allow the running of late steam and early diesel. The more variety the better!
    Rail stock and track side objects will mostly be items iv'e interpreted to be suitable for the western region. All loco stock acquired so far has been through bargain hunting locally and online combing of the various model shop sites. Fairly priced stock in the right variety is hard to come by this far down under. I have been focusing on getting tank locos so far but i'll be looking to add hydraulic diesels and single DMU variations in the future. No doubt these will be of great expense though!
    I'll post a few photos of progress thus far soon. It is a bit "bare bones" at the moment as i don't want to have to get back under the board after the scenic work starts. I'll be putting the signals, rodding and track side objects down before any of the green bits. Oh, and there will be lighting everywhere!
  2. matt9f
    The layout in its current state, save the first photo where i was drawing some guidelines. All the points and uncouplers are fitted with Hornby mkII point solenoids and work as they should. The solenoids are controlled by DCC Concepts two output accessory decoders which i think are fantastic. Even managed to programme them with the Select controller!. Haven't pegged down the bay platform line or the main line end yet as i haven't sorted the station and turntable. An engine shed will be placed on the siding next to the turntable. Only the "scenic" end is motorised at the moment. The fiddle yard will require some more bits.
    The addition of the underlay made the process a lot more involved and i'm left wondering if it was worth it. Hopefully my efforts will be rewarded when the ballast goes down. The other issue with the underlay is bringing all the track side bits up to the right height. Next job will be sorting the signals and siting the signal box. I only have a rough idea of what the signal layout would require, so if anyone fancies making a comprehensive plan for me that would be great. Also does anyone know if there are any bits out there for dolling up the Hornby signal box? particularly window panes and frames
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