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Posts posted by racingpete

  1. Lovely to see this layout is getting another look at.


    I have used this as an inspiration for a BLT myself and even went and subscribed to the back catalogue of railway modeller to get more details on it. One thing that is missing from all the photos is the rear shots of the line into the goods shed, and also the rear of the station - as wanted to see how you did the transition from platform height to the entrance road - any chance of some photos?


    Thanks in advance.

  2. I converted a Hornby J94 a few days back to DCC using a zimo budget decoder (first attempt so was keeping it cheap)


    When testing it it would start and then stop, then maybe start again and stop again. I tested the volts across the motor and when it was stopping it had no volts hitting the motor (so makes sense it would stop).


    I then checked the voltage across the pickup wires connected to the decoder, they were dropping to zero also at the time it stopped.


    I then checked at the wheels itself (not the pickups) and they would drop to zero when it stopped also.


    So I put the loco on a rolling road and checked the voltage and the track was constantly sending current to the loco wheels.


    I have cleaned the wheels and it didn't make a difference, so wondering if it is the pickup or this is something that is set wrong in the decoder?


    Also if the decoder had some cut off or something would that affect any of the pickup circuitry (ie the wires or at the wheels)?


    The other factory fitted DCC locos run fine and I have resoldered all connections in case it was that. Help please.

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