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Posts posted by 55H

  1. just saw this


    the Britannia & duke I have enough orders to press the go button (although I will not turn away more :yes: ) I just want to make sure the pound does not collapse depending on Brexit before I place the factory order


    There are two drawbars with each 9F with the shorter one  I have run though 3'9" forwards nut  there is a bind backwards, however with the slightly longer drawbar fitted Bingo! forwards and back through 3'9" fast & slow


    The sample you see chuffing about at the exhibitions has A loksound 4L fitted with a stay alive all fits in the loco no need for wires to the tender

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  2. Hi Everyone


    I have wanted an Aristocraft Class 66 for a long while now, but i have been unable to afford one until now

    I fancy the EWS version

    Has anyone got one, and if so, are they worth the £347 outlay ? ( Rails )

    I dont want it to run, just to display


    Yes, i do have more money than sense

    My wife hasn't picked herself up off the floor yet after telling her how much they are !! :P


    Its a lot of loco for your money shame you cannot run it built in smoke directional lighting, pound for pound it is great value. The Rails price is good average is nearer £365 delivered (I think rails charge delivery ontop so unless you are collecting nearer £355. I am just in the middle of adding radio control & sound to one, goodness knows how it fits in with my brass steam outline (which are nearer £2000 if you really want to see total shock :D)but it was too good value to miss!

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