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Posts posted by garyd8004

  1. Hello,

    I am fairly new to the railway modelling world and am building a dcc controlled layout.  I am in the process of building a junction which is controlled by DCC Concepts digital ip point motors. I am installing a Peco Streamline SL-E194 code 75 long crossing and have been attempting to use the attached document from DCC concepts website, however I am a little puzzled..... the crossing appears to have 4 silver wirs underneath it (2 either side of the centre, by/at the frogs). The diagram from DCC Concepts only shows the wiring for 2 of these wires or am I reading it wrongly in that both wires on either side of the frogs are wired as one ??


    Any help greatly appreciated and apologies if this is so simple that I should know !!



  2. There are a few ways to reassign the functions. 


    The most cumbersome way is to look up the relevant CVs that need changing; these can then be programmed using your ECoS unit.


    Easier ways involve linking the ECoS and programming track to a computer. You can then use JMRI's free Decoder Pro software to reprogram the various functions by the simple expedient of ticking and unticking checkboxes on screen. This is probably your best, and cheapest option.

    Another way would be to use an ESU LokProgrammer, also linked to a computer - similar abilities to select checkboxes.


    Some people use SPROG programmers - I have no experience with this one.


    I am not entirely sure, but your ECoS unit may also have the ability to reprogram without knowing the necessary CVs; the answer to that will also have to await someone else with better knowledge of the unit than mine.


    I have included some of the alternatives here because other people with similar problems but different equipment may find something of use to them too. Hopefully I haven't confused the issue too much.

    Hi SR Man,


    Thanks for your helpful thoughts and apologies for not replying before now but work commitments got in the way.  I've downloaded Decoder Pro.... it seems like an excellent piece of software... made even better as it's free of course !!

    Just in the process of getting to grips with it but I seem to be making some headway.... 


  3. Hi,

    I'm after a bit of advice if at all possible. I have an old Bachmann Class 158 2 car unit in Regional Railways livery. I wanted to convert it to DCC and at the same time ad an Express Models lighting kit. I have used a 4 function Hattons decoder on the motor unit. That works well. For the non motor carriage I have a  TCS-FL4 function only decoder.


    I have removed the old light fittings, drilled holes and fitted the new light fittings into both. The new light have 3 lights in each of the 2 clusters per carriage.


    Everything has been connected up as per the (excellent) Express models instruction sheet, however, the instructions state: 


    'Disable the directionally controlled lighting & assign the white lead to function 0 (1) and the yellow lead to function 1 (2). These two functions control the marker & tail lights at each end.

    Set the green lead to function 2 (3) and the lilac lead to function 3 (4). These functions operate the day & night headlights at the forward end.


    For anybody who is reading this and hasn't yet realised, I am a complete novice. That said, I have converted several other of my old DC locos to DCC and I am relishing the challenges that building my layout etc brings with it, but !!


    I have an ESU ECoS 50200 and try as I might I do not know how I 'assign' the different coloured leads to functions, and specific functions at that. Can this only be done with the ESU Lokprogrammer or is there another way  ?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated


    Thank you in advance


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