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Posts posted by DungeWood

  1. Hi

    I recently acquired a Craftsman class 02 kit, however it is missing the chassis section.

    I have bought myself a bit of brass plate to attempt to build something that might fit, with the help of a RM Web member who has been incredibly helpful, supplying photos of the kit instructions and photos of his own 02 and numerous links to wheels etc that I had no clue about... Thanks Pete.

    I do intend to learn to scratch build but my skills are not upto making the chassis yet, learning to solder brass together is much harder than I expected, well to get a decent result anyway, hence my request for help.

    So if anyone can help please let me know.


    Paul 👍

  2. Just in case anyone is interested it has turned out this was an issue with the locos pcb and not the v5 decoder.

    Unusually the sound and lights worked file but on applying power the train wouldn't move.  I assumed a cheap decoder from Ebay the issue but eventually I tried various other decoders and blanking plug without success, my conclusion was the pcb.  So a quick chat with Robert in the Dapol sales dept. got me sorted with a new pcb.

    Removed the old one and soldered the new one in and away the loco went, yes!

    I had only recently run the loco and as it was one of the few new locos I'd bought didn't suspect it would have an issue, just goes to show never assume anything until you've exhausted the possibilities.

    Thanks to everyone who replied, much appreciated.


    Paul 🙂👍

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  3. Hi 55020

    I have done a reset already as it is a s/h ebay decoder and I wondered if the previous owner may have got into a mess changing settings.

    Also Dapol supplied a sheet in the box with a few cv tweaks which I tried, made no difference to the loco moving.

    I will try and turn Selextrix and M4 etc off in the ECoS and make sure railcom is on.

    Then change the decoder to dcc and see if anything happens.

    Thanks for your input. 👍

  4. Thanks again Nigel

    I think I will do a decoder reset first, the delete the loco from the ECoS system.  Hopefully then if you are correct I can set the decoder to dcc with cv47.

    In the ECoS there are tabs for adjusting cvs in Dcc, Motorola and Selectrix, Im not sure how I disable those protocols in the ECoS or if I even can, can't remember seeing any options.....?  

  5. 31 minutes ago, Nigelcliffe said:

    You have a multi-protocol decoder (DCC, M4, Selectrix, etc.) and a multi-protocol command station which has detected multiple protocols.   


    You can switch off protocols not wanted in the decoder with CV changes.    Lokprogrammer isn't needed.  





    Thanks Nigel

    It's been a while since I've done any dabbling with dcc cvs etc or protocols?  Could you advise what I need to do or look at?


  6. Hello

    I've purchased a V5 quite cheaply from Ebay and installed it in my Dapol class 29.

    Having read the decoder on my ECoS it is showing M4 and another dcc version, so I have 2 locos now for this class 29.  This isn't the issue but why?, the problem I have is that the sound fires up on the m4 version but when I add power the loco remains stationary, the sound does increase as it would when moving and it will decrease as if slowing to stop, just won't move...?

    If anyone has come across this and has a solution please let me know.

    I'm not even sure if I've had this issue before with a class 47 V5 but I can't seem to figure out what I did back then.

    Just out of interest is there anyway to just have the decoder as a standard V5, could this be done on a lokprogrammer?

    Thank you



  7. Hi

    Can anyone shed any light on this issue with my V5 decoder.

    When I initially installed it in a Bachmann 47 it popped up on the ECoS, did the decoder read and worked as a Motorola.

    Since I last used it something has happened as it was dead, no lights, sound or movement, yet it still reads okay and moves but then it's dead again?

    I have two other V5s that seem fine.  This was a second hand chip but like I said it was set up for Motorola or something, its been a while since I used it.

    Has anyone any ideas if it's a setting on the controller or something?  



  8. Hi

    I made a daft school boy error on one of my favourite locos (class 40 141 split headcode diesel) the other day after being distracted for a few minutes by the mrs...

    I forgot to put maskol on the loco glazing and sprayed it for weathering....I could have kicked myself...

    Does anyone know if I can do something to make the windows look clearer where the wipers go or do I really need to go to Bachmann for some new glazing.




  9. Hi Big Jim


    No its not from C & M Carlisle


    Ive been dropping oil into the towers and let it soak, seems to be easing the issue slightly and I haven't time at the moment to dismantle again so

    just running it gently which looks fine when its loaded up with hoppers etc.. the noise is also not so bad.  Maybe its just been sat in a box somewhere

    and dried out?


  10. Thanks 34theletterbetweenB&D


    I think performance seems reasonable so hopefully not the motor brushes and Im sure its not the wipers.


    I will have to remove the towers again and delve deeper, there didn't feel and stiffness or uneven movement in either but I suppose under load and spinning

    fast will be where the screech comes from.


    Sometimes these things pay off sometimes they don't but if I don't try I'll never learn, not that I will be looking for bargains like this as I've got better things to

    spend my time on like my layout.


    Thanks again



  11. Hello


    I'm hoping someone can give me some pointers on how to repair my Bachmann class 70.


    I purchased the model from my local shop at a knock down price and I mean low.  It is an Olivias special and very nice, however on running the loco it quickly developed a screech.

    I seemed to think it was one of the towers so unsoldered both (do I actually need to do this or is there another way?) and removed the lower gearing and lubricated.  All seemed smooth and I though great that was easy... on reassembly it ran a few circuits quieter but not cured as I expected then the full screech returned...


    It seems worse at a normal running speed and at slow speed is negligible.


    I know I should probably have given it back to the shop but for the money I paid I'd like to try an repair myself, I'm sure I'd still not be out of pocket buying new towers...


    Any help would be appreciated.





  12. HI this is my first post and after reading this I thought I add my bit.

    I contacted Hornby in November after reading about this issue for the first time (not been on any forums until recently)

    I have five class 31s which have hardly been out their boxes since purchase as I was slowly building my layout. Until recently I only used my old chipped Lima 37 to test the layout so no other locos got much use.. anyway on seeing the issue and some photos I went straight up to the loft to see if I had a problem. I did 31 110, cracks to one end. I eased the body off and the chassis ends fell off.

    Hornby asked me to send the loco back to be checked. This loco was a present and I specifically asked that if it couldn't be replaced or repaired Id rather have it back, it has sentimental value as it was a present from my late father.

    I was told the service depth would have a look and contact me.

    At the end of January I got a letter containing a voucher for £100. The loco couldn't be repaired and the had no parts to repair it.

    I wasn't happy with this as I wanted the loco and no one had contacted me? I've emailed Tanya 3 times requesting my loco be returned and asking why no one had contacted me?

    Finally I sent a new complaint. I've now had an email stating they will return the loco and cancel the voucher.

    So I'm now waiting to see if the loco is returned.

    I've found the process very frustrating and the customer service poor.

    As this was a present from my late father as I explained I had expected it to be dealt with better.

    I understand the issues but don't send your 31 back if your expecting it repaired.

    I'll let you know if it comes back.

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