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Posts posted by ndg910

  1. Great news but just wondering if Dapol have heard another manufacturer are bring the former Hattons tooling back to market. The hints I've seen and the word from retailers is that Accurascale are close. Another Manor face off...??

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  2. I was wondering how long it might be before we saw the SR Raworth Boosters. We have just about every other prototype loco post WW2 - Bulleid Diesels, Fell, 18000,181000, Leader (I know its not released), etc in 00 Gauge and these were the obvious missing candidates. I didnt expect EFE Rail to pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat but having thought it through, I guess there is some link up with Graham Muspratt of this parish and Kernow.


    I for one was not expecting Bachmann/EFE Rail but I see them as a safe pair of hands for this and well done for a good choice.

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  3. Been a bit of a GW announcement day but I am nervous about how these will turn out. A good reputation takes a while to build and whilst I have no KR Models products and so have no first hand experience, I just seem to be drawn to the reports from others about their other releases. hopefully the quality control has been sorted out and these are on a par with Accurascale and Rapido.

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  4. There seems to be people trying to defend this year's announcement but I dont see it that way at all. If they are so far behind that they they need to curtail their production of new items or any items, their project managers have some explaining to do. They cant keep hiding behind COVID as that doesnt wash for the 2022 releases that are late. Yes the transport issues and costs were possibly unforeseeable but it seems to me that the admission of a catch up year is an admission that the marketing team got too excited in 2022 and announced too much without consulting with the people tasked with delivery and the blame for that has to lie at Mr Kohler's door. In my view it would be much better for Hornby to try the new Bachmann style of announcements. I know that doesnt placate the shareholders but would a 3 or 6 monthly announcement be better to ease the load and give Hornby more certainty on deliveries.


    I was very much against the Bachmann policy of 3 monthly announcement when it came out but I'll readily admit it works and I have come to be more excited at the possibility and knowledge that I only have to wait 3 months for another dose. Yes they are still catching up on the back catalogue releases but Hornby are now in the same position with a huge list of outstanding items. It might take Hornby a year to get to position where they can be ready for such a new style of announcement but its the way forward in my view and would create a more level layer of froth rather than the huge spike of froth in January and little for the rest of the year. It might also give the social media teams more opportunity to have something useful to say.


    The other point to raise is what are the market research team doing at Hornby? The wishlist poll might have only just arrived but a review of forums or talking to the modelling fraternity at shows would have picked up the pent up demand for a SR U Class, more AC electric classes, a class 120, various modern electric units, the s160 class, numerous GER/LNWR/LYR/GWR classes. But no, a small obscure LNER class with two examples that looks like Mallard is their big splash. To be fair, I suppose the retooled chassis can possibly be used as the basis for a retooled B17 in the future as the B17 is getting long in the tooth now.


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  5. Interesting stuff and a big thank you to Brian and the team. A quick scan suggests very little demand for diesels or electrics introduced post Grouping - 14 out of 50 top polling items by my count with only one - class 120 DMU, in the top 10. I read that two ways and neither is a criticism or dampener for the modern era market as it has its place in the market but either the market is flooded with reruns of the modern classes and there are few rich pickings or there is no demand. Either way, I can well see the manufacturers taking note and scaling back on yet another retool. There are some really good low hanging fruit in the top 50 covering classes in all the Big 4 companies, many of which had examples survive in to BR days and whilst quite a few will need careful consideration to account for variations, I'll be looking forward to see how this affects manufacturer's plans.


    The downside for me is a fair few of the top 50 I have kits in the pile to complete. Cue a rummage, completion of said kit and the inevitable announcement......

    • Thanks 1
  6. I am open to all suggestions (as long as they are steam era) but I really don't see any point chasing the duplication market any more. Accurascale, Rapido, KR models et al are here to stay and have already eaten into the core market that was Hornbys. I have bought Hornby for many years but my demand for their product has dwindled recently and I am sure I am not alone. I think the only new models purchased in the last few years have been the SR diners and Hornby need to understand the change in market forces and need to flex with it. They cant be moaning that xyz manufacturer has snapped their golden model if they leave open goals. Yes, Hornby have a market (almost a monopoly) for Flying Scotsman and little Billy's first train set but that wont be enough for them to survive without market diversification.


    I think I am trying to say, talk to the modelling community, do your own wishlist poll and understand what the market wants. That's how others respond to market forces (maybe not with the wishlist poll). For the past 10 years Hornby have been lucky that their major competitor have been slow between announcement and delivery allowing Hornby to keep up with them. That's now changed and many other manufacturers have different business models (no pun intended) and Hornby need to make the splash and be creative. I can well see, the Hornby B-set being brought back to fight off Rapido, the Class 50 to resist Accurascale and others in a similar vein. Hornby need to be creative in their corner and not responsive and they will succeed. I really hope in a few weeks we are saying, they've retooled that or are bringing out this - what a fantastic package of releases/announcements, and that we are not seeing the headlines of "Hornby are just reacting to xyz's announcement of a better highly detailed version of a class xxx with a Railroad version first introduced in 1975". 


    Oh and a Saint, Aberdare, 1101 dock tank or a pre-57xx pannier (1854, 2744) would be a good welcome.

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  7. Praise the Lord. Bachmann are hopefully through their retooled diesel phase for a while. Does that mean some steam models will get retooled or we might get some new models. I had begun to label Bachmann as a modern image manufacturer. Am glad I will have to rethink that. 

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  8. Sorry if this has been asked. I think Swansea Harbour Trust had a Hawthorn Leslie 0-4-0 that the GWR and then BR absorbed. I have in my mind it was SHT No 13. I suspect some Swindonisation probably took place, but does the unrivalled RMWeb knowledge think this might be a feasible option - either out of the box RTR or with suitable parts? Or am I hoping for too much?

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  9. 8 hours ago, Accurascale Fran said:

    To The Manor Born! - Cookham Goes Home To Didcot


    Hi everyone,


    Last week we were back at Didcot for some interesting business (more on that at a later date!) 

    This comment may result in wishlisting but I did note Didcot’s auto coach and one of their Super Saloons has had some work done over the winter according to Facebook. Just saying…. One is overdue a RTR retool, the other would be very welcome.

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  10. Sorry if someone has asked and it’s been answered. How were these coaches marshalled in their set and are any handed (apart from the brakes)? I know they are not left or right handed but was the underframe always a certain way round for instance or is there a feature that was only at one end of each coach. I have not as yet seen a definitive picture showing the order or their orientation. Thanks

  11. Early prototypes seem to be in vogue at present. There are probably more but the following have been produced or are in development? Kestrel, Fell, GW/WR gas turbines, LM diesels, Bulleid diesels, 4DD units, …


    Is it time for the SR Raworth Electric locos?

    • Agree 5
  12. The London Toy Fair is held at Olympia between 25-27 January. Can we expect or hope for something from Oxford around then. 

    I seem to remember reading Oxford Rail had a coordinated plan of releases so is this the year for something LMS based. A new Black 5 is a gap in the market that needs filling! Or maybe a new loco giving the impression of looking like Lion? Or to be really radical something generic? A generic 50’ bogie coach perhaps?

  13. This thread and the similar one on the Hornby section make interesting reading. Everyone is talking about what Rapido are doing which for them is generating great advertising. Even if it’s a new branded stress ball or biro or something that normally doesn’t create many column inches or posts from Rapido, the exposure and brand awareness is making them be noticed. Equally Hornby are giving the impression of running scared. By breaking their embargo early implies to me that they are worried one of their flagship announcements is at risk. A better marketing ploy might have been to rise above the Rapido teasing or even poke fun at Rapido in reply in a similar way that Aldi have been doing with M&S and the Colin the Caterpillar row. As it stands Rapido are stealing the limelight and Hornby have been sucked in to Rapido’s trap and Rapido have won the first round. 

    Itmay still all turn out to be a damp squib but as it stands I am sure a glitzy new announcement or spoiler from Rapido will be talked about longer by us the consumers instead of the mundane new livery rerun of yet another Loco, coach or wagon. I for one am interested in what will happen on Monday in the way I get excited about Bachmann’s new announcement format, certainly the last few Hornby announcements have crept up on me without too much excitement in advance. Yes I have a wish list but I see my needs being more likely to be created by someone other than Hornby. 

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  14. 11 minutes ago, The Johnster said:


    Don't agree.  it was well recieved when Airfix released back in the Silurian era, when Triang Hornby were still releasing new locos with boiler skirts and moulded handrails, but the smokebox door is too small, the dart is moulded (normal for those days to be fair), and, worst, the chassis block attached at the rear with lugs that engaged in to rectangular holes in the bunker, crude and obvious.  There was no cab detail (normal enough in those days for tank locos).  The concurrent Airfix 14xx was much better.

    100% agree with your analysis but my Airfix Prairie is a much more reliable performer than my later Hornby 1st generation Prairie. She needs her wheels cleaned regularly but is still plodding along very happily - if a little noisily! Not my first loco by far but holds a lot of sentimental value.  I still remember pestering my dad to stop at Blunts at Mill Hill so I could drool and I was over the moon when I realised I had reached my pocket money goal and was able to purchase one.

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