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Posts posted by Railtunes

  1. And here's the official Central News Agency photo of the wrecked cab car from the incident. It plowed into a construction crane that had slid down the embankment next to the tracks, right at the entrance to a tunnel. The crane got wedged sideways in the tunnel and the cab car end crumpled against it. Several coaches behind it then partially telescoped into the head car.

    This units - and several of the coaches - will probably be a write off.


    Taiwan Taroko Cab Car After Accident 2 AP 2021.jpg

    • Informative/Useful 1
  2. I am saddened to report that Chris White of Red Star Models passed away on March 9, 2021, age 69. He will be missed by his Russian railway modeller friends and clients. A notice and link to his obituary is posted on the Red Star Models website.

    I read the notice on the JNS Japan Modelers Website from Washington, DC, near to Chris' home in Maryland, and members of which group counted Chris a friend.

    - Paul Ingraham

    • Friendly/supportive 4
  3. As one aspect of my AsiaNRail modelling, I am planning to do some Indonesian steam era models.


    My interest in Indonesia stems from my Master's degree study in world music and participation in Indonesian gamelan and dance, culminating in a study tour I had to Jogjakarta, Java back in 1973. While there, I did some railfanning as well and took some photos of steam locos - still running then during the transition to Diesel - at the shed in Jogja.

    I model in N scale use the Asian 1:150 scale (as Japan and Taiwan modellers do) for my 3'6" gauge Asian models.


    For starters, I'll be converting a Minitrix German BR41 2-8-2 to an Indonesian D52 Class. This is mostly a detailing exercise, as the PNKA Class D52 is pretty much a slightly scaled down version of the German BR41. Compare the D52 and Minitrix BR41 photos below.


    My second model will be more a challenge: the PNKA CC50 2-6-6-0 that I hope to kitbash from a Bachmann American 2-6-6-2. I've got both the models in my project box now and am working out the build process, but these may take a while to complete!


     - Paul Ingraham, Coordinator, AsiaNRail modular modelling group


    D52 061.jpg

    BR41 model.jpg


    Bachmann 2-6-6-2.jpg

    • Round of applause 1
  4. I did put the coal truck track on my shed module, so I'm good for the final two years of LMS and BR in the early 1960s up to the demolition of the shed facilities.

    I got the Graham Farish model in LMS livery. The number on my model is 2691, so it seems that it is indeed in the same series as 2695 in the photo!

    Railtunes / Paul Ingraham

  5. A couple of photos, both from the Am Baile website, to support the use of the 2-6-4T tank engines on the line during the reconstruction of the turntable at Kyle in 1946.

    First, engine 2695 on shed at Kyle. I've included the Am Baile caption with details. It's facing the pier, so the engines must have been run boiler leading on down trains to Kyle, and bunker first on up trains back to Inverness.

    Also, note the points under the rear bogie on the engine. These would be for the short coal truck spur and show that it was in place at least by mid-1946, as there was no prior track in that orientation. It doesn't look fresh enough to have been added at the same time the turntable was rebuilt, so must have been there somewhat earlier. A possible guess might be during the WW2 years to facilitate faster servicing of locos on heavy wartime traffic - but I can't substantiate that with certainty. A check of any extant photos from previous periods might help narrow the time gap.

    Second, a photo of two trains crossing at Achnasheen station, taken from the pedestrian bridge. Given the operating direction stated above, the near train must be a down service toward Kyle; the left train, an up headed back to Inverness.

    LMS 2695 At Kyle Shed July 1946.png

    Achnasheen Station 1946.jpg

    • Like 5
  6. I've built a scenic section of rice terraces for my AsiaNRail modules and put some banana trees on it. The first photo shows a closeup of one of these next to an N scale train. I need to take a few more showing the grove at the top of the scene.

    These came from the Scalerama range and were offered in a few different sizes (photo 2 shows the 60mm package and sample). Unfortunately, the link to their website <scalerama.com/xe/home> does not seem to be working. 

    There are also the Pegasus 1:72 scale banana trees (photos 3 and 4) that are very similar. There are several sources online - mainly focused on the wargaming crowd - that should be able to supply these.


    Rice Terraces.jpg

    Banana Trees 60mm.jpg

    Pegasus Banana Trees Package.jpg

    ehobbies (Pegasus) Banana Trees.jpg

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  7. Yet another Kyle fan, here in California, USA - and in N gauge as well.

    I'm doing my version of Kyle almost exactly as you have done, just modelling the west side of the pier with the station in half relief, and the loco shed area. See the three photos below of the pier module. I need to take some further, more detailed shots of the shed module! And, yes, that's me behind the module in the third photo!

    Each module - pier and shed - is 1metre long by 30 cm wide. I am building an insertable piece for the area between the pier and shed modules. I'm using Peco code 55 track components. I've also chosen the 1960s transition period and, from my sources, have determined that the year of transition to Diesel was 1961 or 62 with the shed being razed just a couple years later.

    Please note that I model several different prototypes, so the structures and models shown (Taiwan prototype, modern era), including the pier facing (magnet-backed strip), are all interchangeable. But I'm sure you'll recognize the trackplan easily enough!

    This brings me to a question: As you have done such an outstanding job producing the Scottish prototype structures in 3D printing, would you be willing to either print me a set or make the files available so that I could print a set here for my modules? I'm interested in ALL the structures you've done for both the pier and shed areas. I don't have the facility here either with the computer or the 3D equipment to do my own - not to mention accurate enough plans - but I do have modelling friends who can print from computer files for me - or I could go to a commercial source. Can you tell me the type of files or what program you used to create them?

    I'd much appreciate whatever assistance you could offer in getting this project moving along. Of course, I would cover any costs involved in either obtaining the print files or the printed products involved.

    And I'll certainly watch your continuing work on this build with the greatest interest!


    Railtunes / Paul Ingraham


    Kyle Port and Shed Modules .jpg

    Kyle Port Crane And Ship.jpg

    Kyle Port Ships And Crane.jpg

    • Like 4
  8. That old Atlas/Rivarossi-designed model was not really that great a runner. Would definitely need a 21st century mechanism upgrade. However, I think Atlas now also has the LIfe-Like FM C-Liner tooling [TruLine trains tooling?] that was in the Athearn range for a while after Life-Like closed, though that is the Bo-Bo version. It's a fairly good runner, so maybe a Co truck could be made for the Bo-Co version, though a completely new version that is at least DCC-ready  would probably be a better upgrade.

    And note that, along withNew York Central and Long Island, Canadian National and New Haven, both near and dear to Jason Shron's heart, had the Bo-Co version, so that may make this a more likely possibility.

    New Haven FM C-Liners.jpg

  9. Well! Wouldn't you know it! Rapido has announced that they are going to be doing the British Railways Co-Bo in N scale (no less), to come out (maybe) this year! I guess that makes them the Lords of the 5-axle Diesels, what with the FL-9s and Cuban GMD-1s already in their product catalog.

    Now, what other 5-axle prototypes can we tempt them with? The Japanese DE10s are already available from Kato and Tomix, but what else is there?

    - Railtunes, Paul Ingraham

  10. I'm planning to do a KCR "Austerity" WD in N scale, detailing and repainting the Bachmann Graham Farish N scale model - or maybe trying to convince Bachmann to do it as a limited run model, since they already have done the OO version!


    I've attached a compilation of some passenger car drawings I found on line. The link is shown on it as well. These might at least give you a reference for further researching possible "stand-ins" on conversion model possibilities or as a basis for scratchbuilding, and there is no doubt some British or Japanese chassis that would be a proper fit for these.


    I know that the railway museum at the old Tai Po Market station has a couple of coaches on display, and wonder if they might have any drawing, photos or other data available for these that could be used for modeling. Might be worth a try, especially if you still have some contacts in Hong Kong that might be willing to enquire on your behalf.


    And, of course, there's the Frateschi G112 repaint of the G12 in OO (sort of) scale.


    Should you find anything, be sure to share it here, please! I'm sorry I can't help you with locating the Simms book, but you can be assured that I will now go hunting for it!


    Paul Ingraham, Coordinator, AsiaNRail N scale modular group


    Kowloon Canton Railway Coach Drawings.doc

    • Like 3
  11. Great to see some "unusual" Asian models being built. Some really nice work here and I look forward to seeing the further progress on these, so everyone keep us posted, please!


    I do some "odd" Asian prototypes in N scale, mainly focused on Taiwan, but with others in the works. One I have completed is a Thai 2-6-0 (ex-Japanese C56), of which I am sharing this scan. I hope to have a couple more Thai steamers in due course, as all that's needed is the basic Japanese model, some detail changes, green paint and a steady hand for the tender lettering!


    I've also got a Malaysian "Blue Tiger" in the project drawer, based on converting the Mehano European one, and, hopefully, one of the Indian WDM-2s in KTM colors, using a Gopher Models Australian class 48 as the basis. 




    Paul Ingraham, Coordinator, AsiaNRail N scale modular group



    • Like 7
  12. I have to weigh in on the "beaucoup" [err, Bo-co] - Co-Bo debate. I'm a "Yankee" now living in California, but, back in 1964, 

    I was an exchange student in Tunbridge Wells and also did a bit of trainspotting while there. 

    To aid me in identifying locos, I picked up "The Observer's Book of Railway Locomotives of Britain", 1964 edition, Edited by H.C. Casserley and published by Frederick Warne and Co. Ltd. 

    On page 215 of that book, of which I have attached a scan, the D 5700 Type "2" is shown and clearly identified as a Co-Bo. Whether British trainspotters accept this ID as "definitive", I don't know, but that's how I've found it identified.


    And, I should say that it was during that stay in Kent that I found my first N scale models, a pair of Lone Star British Diesels that I still have and run to this day, though now repowered with Minitrix chassis. And I've stayed with N scale ever since, modeling British (Scottish, actually) Kyle of Lochalsh, Taiwan Pingsi Branchline, and Canadian Pacific Nakusp subdivision - all on the same modules by the subterfuge of exchangeable structures.


    And I'd buy a Co-Bo in a heartbeat if Rapido Trains - many of whose marvelous Canadian models are in my collection - were to produce it in N scale. (Yes, Jason, and the GMD-1 is already reserved...)


    - Paul Ingraham, Coordinator, AsiaNRail, aka Railtunes, 'cause my other love is singing.    post-24569-0-41114000-1415665108_thumb.jpg

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