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Chris L1963

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Posts posted by Chris L1963

  1. Great photo of the 9F. The Midland sidings greatly add to the realism. Peterborough North gets better and better. Looking forward to the next batch of photos.

    One more look at D209, broadside on, and impressive in bulk, if not in performance.

    attachicon.gif1 209 1.JPG


    And the 9F has finally been cleared to go on its way.

    attachicon.gif2 9F.JPG


    The signal to the right is an eyesore, having been hit hard by something, probably a low flying UFO. Spaceship reference, geddit? Oh, please yourself, as Frankie Howerd would have said. Anyway, it was a nice picture otherwise, so up with it we shall have to put.

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  2. Your comparison shots are fantastic. Please keep them coming :)

    Time for the comparison shots I threatened to produce the other day. We start with Vic Fincham's original image, which is reproduced courtesy of, and acknowledging copyright of Andrew C Ingram.


    For once, it looks as though Vic had the same light conditions as I have. Here is my attempt.


    I don't have the correct engine, but this one is only one digit out. I'm rather pleased though, as most things seem to be in the right place. Despite working on it for ages, I couldn't get the same contrasts as on the prototype shot, so if any of you who are better at photoshopping can get closer, please feel free to do so. All in all though, I  feel as though this is the closest I have got so far.

  3. It is now time for the W1 to roll through with its regular Up working from York and Hull, first seen approaching from the North.

    attachicon.gif700 1.JPG

    Then we begin a sequence of shots under the roof, five in all, but I'll post them in stages to see which, if any, you think work.

    attachicon.gif700 roof 1.JPG

    Lots of telephoto, hence the out of focus background, and a huge light variation, but then there was on the real thing. In some ways though I think this is quite striking, in fact I like it more each time I look at it.

    Hi Gilbert, your layout and your photography skills are amazing. Some of your photos look so realistic, very impressive. I always look forward to seeing them. Please keep them coming, 

  4. A frustrating day, nothing really having gone according to plan, but more pictures nevertheless.

    attachicon.gif02 and B17.JPG

    The 02 now passes Gayton Hall, which is seemingly in no hurry to come off its train.


    And then we have an attempt at grainy, out of focus and blurred.

    attachicon.gif515 head on.JPG

    which seems to be more difficult to achieve than I hoped.

    An amazing photo Gilbert, it looks so lifelike.

    • Like 1
  5. Wild Swan duly came to a stand at the South end of Platform 2, and as her train is only 8 coaches, doesn't come far out from under the roof, so I decided to have another go at replicating a prototype photo. You.ve seen this before, and it is courtesy of Peterboroughimages.co.uk

    attachicon.gifWild swan.jpg

    It wasn't as sunny when I took this.

    attachicon.gif21 3.JPG

    I couldn't quite get the same angle, and the chances of getting the same lighting conditions are remote to impossible, but quite a lot is nearly in the right place.


  6. Today's edition of happenings at PN is dedicated to our band of regular contributors from the other side of the world, with a special mention for the young man who has spent so much time reading the whole thing from beginning to end. Here then is a very appropriate locomotive.

    attachicon.gif12 1 small colour.jpg

    This was taken in an attempt to get as close a match as possible to

    attachicon.gif60012 small.jpg

    and here is my black and white effort.

    attachicon.gif12 1 small bw.jpg

    I'll never get it exactly right, but I think a fair number of things are in about the right place. It does confirm the need to move Spital Bridge over though. It is also still confusing as to what was where in the DE depot. I reckon I have the correct building in the near background, but then that signal in front of it should be further down towards the bridge. The Down starter appearing behind the loco's chimney though is just down to the unavoidable compresion of length and width at this end of the layout. And I really should weather the signals, but I fear the consequences if I do that when it comes to photoshopping.


  7. A few images as the evening draws on. Quite relevant to the preceding discussion actually, as 60021 Wild Swan (lovely name), is at the head of the 1000am Leeds- KX. This was the return working of the Top link KX A4 which had taken the Down Yorkshire Pullman the previous day, and whose crew had lodged overnight.

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    Seen passing the DE buildings.

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    and now just a little further along.

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    And finally for now from the Down platform.

    Hi Gilbert, your layout is the most amazing model recreation i have seen. This is the first time i have posted a comment although i have read all of your posts. Like many people, railways around Peterborough are of great interest to me. The photos you post are brilliant and lifelike especially those where you recreate actual photos. I like all "clutter"- water cranes, signal gantrys etc getting in the way, i think it adds to the overall effect. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your amazing layout. Best Regards Chris.

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