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Posts posted by Gobrien

  1. If you use the birds eye view on Bing Maps, you'll get some great shots with a 360 degree view of the whole yard like the one below:Untitled_zps8a453954.jpgJohn

    Hi guys can any one explain what is in this photo I'm trying to model a modern depot and want to know the layout of the depot.


    I.e. Bottom right there appears to be track pits and white boxes in between tracks is this the fueling point.


    If anybody can label this photo with what is what that would be great





  2. Cracking layout Dave, I'm just starting off on the big adventure in n gauge and hope mine can look as good as yours, I will be going back to the beginning of this threat and walking through your tips and expertise


    I am sure if I get stuck on the way this forum will help me


    I hope to see Waton in the flesh soon



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