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Posts posted by tomosap

  1. Hi everyone,


    I've been planning my new layout recently and have incorporated a few of these crossings into the track plan as part of a TMD, and it occurred to me last night that these weren't the electrofrog version and subsequently have a large number of insulated sections on them. Can anyone clarify if this will be a problem for small locos/DCC or not, or have any pointers in the case that it will be?


    I know that the code 55 version comes in electrofrog variants but not the code 80 for whatever reason, and I'm ideally not looking to mix/match track.




  2. Thanks for the above responses folks, much appreciated. Not in a position to return the Gaugemaster decoder unfortunately, but the gentleman in the shop sold it to me specifically to go with the N gauge loco I bought.


    Looking at controllers, I've spotted the Gaugemaster DCC01 which is an entry level walkabout DCC controller - theory goes that if the controller and decoder match, shouldn't be any issues? (I'm sure that makes me sound more naive than I actually am!)




  3. Thanks for the replies sent so far - I have experience using digital control in model railways, and understand what DCC is so completely get that. My question is more to do with the suitability of decoders with controllers, and controllers with decoders.


    I have seen on a couple of other forums people comment on Hornby being a bit of an outlier when it comes to conformity with DCC standards, hence my original question.

  4. Hello all,


    Wondering if someone could offer some advice please. I'm getting into N gauge modelling, and have bought my first loco and a Gaugemaster DCC chip to covert it.


    I need a controller suitable of running this, and was looking to go for the Hornby DCC offering. Looking at the details, it has a list of recommended decoders that it works with, but doesn't mention the Gaugemaster ones - is this a problem?


    I guess what I'm asking is, are the chips compatible with any controller, and are the controllers compatible with any chip?


    Many thanks,


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