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Status Updates posted by hakancarlivar

  1. Hello,

    The summer 1965 I worked as a guest/trainee with Broom&Wade (air compressors) in High Wycombe. I lived in Flackwell Heath in what I remember was called an Industrial Hostel, probably some leftover from WW2.


    I passed Loadwater station every day and especially walking home from the pub uphill hearing the sound of the big 2-10-0s(?) from afar. This was before the M40 was built.

    From what I remember there was often a large loco parked there. It might have been a big prairie or a small.

    I have just bought a Heljan 5100 in 0 Gauge and some other stuff e.g. a level crossing from Peco. When I unpacked it I realised that I of course should try to do something around Loadwater at least the signal box part and level crossing. So I found some info and the picture of the station in Wikipedia and also found that someone actually had made the whole station some years ago.


    As a preparation to this possible project I have som questions:


    Q1: On the Wikipedia picture




    is Flackwell Heath behind the viewer? Looks like that from this map and my memory.




    Q2: What engine type was ”allocated” there in the summer -65


    Q3: Is the Signal box of any specific GWR type and are there any drawings possible to obtain?


    Q4: Are there any documentation of the other buildings; Station building and warehouse.....?:



    Q5: Is there a model of the signal box type buyable in any scale?


    Q6: Possible contact with the persons who made the model mentioned in Railway Forum?




    Q7: Are there any more descriptions of this layout?


    Q8: Seems that Risborough & District Model Railway Club had it on exhibition back in 2012. Maybe some pictures or other info is obtainable from them but I have no access to them

    I try to get hold of info so I am sending this out rather widely, hopefully not too wide:


    Rmweb incuding the builder, GWR group on F/B, 0 Gauge Guild, High Wycombe Model Rwy Club contacts.


    Are there any other sources (City Library, History foundations for railways …)

    Looking forward to any respone.



    Håkan Hessel

    Johan Skyttes v 372

    12559 Älvsjö (Alvsjo)


    1. Metr0Land


      Q1: yes Flackwell Heath is over the left shoulder of the viewer (and up the hill)

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