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Blog Entries posted by xveitch

  1. xveitch
    Hi All,
    I'm designing and constructing a lighting control unit for my Design Technology GCSE.
    The product will control several LED outputs for LED fitting on the layout (e.g. yard lights or house lights), plus a higher voltage output for a motor etc.
    It will be much cheaper than the extortionate Woodland Scenics "Just Plug" lighting system, yet also have a key benefit - the ability to automate the product. The product will have a PICAXE chip, which will allow the user to program and automate the product, using either flowcharting or standard programming. It will have instruction videos or booklet designed for beginners to the most advanced. The product can be operated either manually, through variable resistors and switches, or automatically, by programming the product.
    For my project I need to get "user group feedback", so any ideas or improvements, plus your personal opinions of the different design ideas would be fantastic.
  2. xveitch
    Hi Guys,
    It's been a long time since my last post and thats because I'm now coming to the end of the DT GCSE project (see my last post for more details).
    For the final section of the project I need some comments from the "target user group", i.e. modellers. I have attached a photo of the finished device. The features it includes and some of the question I would love you to answer are:
    5 LED outputs, each controlled by a SPDT switch and a variable resistor A higher voltage output powered off a separate input which can be switched on/off and have the polarities reversed, suitable for a motor or smoke machine. All of these outputs are controllable via the mounted switches or the PICAXE IC, a small chip which, if a seperate cable is bought, can be programmed using free computer software (either using 'basic' programming language or flowcharts) to automate the product. The case is constructed out of a mixture of 3mm white acrylic and 3mm laser ply. The cost of construction was 19 pounds, so if a retailer sold it, it would cost 38 pounds - do you think this is a reasonable price, if not what price would you reccomend? Is the product too large or wieldy or would you prefer it to be even bigger? It is powered by the mains via a commercial transformer. Would you buy this if you saw it in a model shop? Why? Do you think it is to a high quality? Do you like it? Why? What improvements would you want to be made to it and why?


    Thanks to all those who comment. If you have any questions, just post them below and I'll get back.
    Xander Veitch
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