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Status Replies posted by RobBrooks1

  1. Work slowly contiues on the black 5 detailing kit from Brassmasters.

    1. RobBrooks1


      Having a look at the Brassmasters Black 5 super detailing kit which I bought at Warley last November.  The was a great article last Summer  2018 in Model Rail magazine on detailing the Black 5. There is quite a bit to do on the model. First of all had a go at changing the front bogies to Alan Gibson replacement wheels as recommended in the article but in spite of checking the back to backs, there was play in the axles and the loco derailed on my 34" radius curves. Sometimes you can go to extremes with my loco which is sound fitted, customised and renamed (45407 Lancashire Fusilier) with a hint of weathering as preserved. However,  I would rather it ran properly than derailing at strategic points on my layout. I might have a look at the tender axleboxes and springs but am not sure as   I also have another 2 black fives to do -but these run OK at the moment

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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