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Posts posted by Petbal

  1. As a kettle enthusiast I naively thought removing the body on a diesel should be easy, clearly it is not. My favourite dcc installation is on the Kernow O2 (steam) where you simply take off the smoke box door which is held on by magnets. Surely to be Dcc ready a manufacturer might reasonably be expected to ensure there is an easy means of accessing the Dcc socket. On a related topic it is often difficult to gain access to insert a locomotive crew and many of us much prefer to see our locos complete n this respect The magazines could help by making the ease or difficulty of gaining access a routine element of their reviews.

  2. I am contemplating modifying my end to end terminus layout by adding a turntable however space is at a premium and I need something that I can both fit in and will look right. Here starts a problem - all the ready available tables / kits are far too large. I am looking to something no bigger than (say) a 60 foot (24mm) table. This will be adequate to turn an 0-6-0 or possibly a mogul tender loco- not obviously the Flying Scotsman plus two tenders which appears to be the province of the commercial productions. This leads me to contemplate scratch build. I am presently researching ideas and have for example surreptitiously explored the kitchen utensils for a suitable size well -(Teflon coating might be a problem!) - don’t tell my wife!  Ideas/ comments anyone?

  3. OK I am probably being thick but having read other posts I am still confused. I am using peco live frog points and have made the usual dcc modifications.My SS point motors are switching fine however I am still confused regarding how to get power to the frogs. When using conventional Cobalt digital motors you simply connect the wire from the frog to the labelled terminal on the point motors. On the SS controller there are two sets of three connectors labelled frog power and two similar sets labelled spdt switch. I have tried connecting the frogs to the middle connector of either set to no effect. I presume that power needs to be supplied to the outer connectors but this causes buzzing but nothing else. I look in vain at the manual which appears to show connections to the outer rails of the points but are these really necessary given both the outer rails and the controller are both connected to the dcc bus wires?

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