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Everything posted by Nearholmer

  1. Brilliant! I'm a long-time Brighton fan, and fascinated by your use of printed paper; great modern twist on a traditional approach. Before rejecting the idea of printed material for coaches,you might want to Google "Mr Cat Graphics". Mr Cat, actually Brian Wright, is a genius at producing exceedingly convincing printed card coach sides in 0 scale, a lot of his work appears on coaches produced by "Ace Trains of London", also worth a Google. My point being that you may well find that you can produce convincing Stroudley stock by print alone. The beading on the real thing is actually very fine, and I often think that models with raised detail,even etched brass,sometimes over-cook it. Will this layout be appearing anywhere in the London area? Kevin
  2. Slightly off topic, but if you like Terriers and 0 gauge, it is worth considering the coarse-scale alternative to the models under discussion here. They are made by ETS in the Czech Republic on behalf of two UK suppliers, both with websites, Raylo and W J Vintage, and are switchable 2/3 rail. These are "modern tinplate" models, all metal, with a very sophisticated clutch/motor system that runs silky-smooth. Price is about the same as Dapol, and liveries are manifold, including KESR, GWR and LSWR AR, as well as various Brighton, SR and BR ones. Picture is of my LSWR one, hauling modern tinplate stock from Darstaed and Ace. Kevin
  3. Hello Gentlemen I found this thread yesterday, and heartened by the fact that RMWeb has a "cell" of classic 0 gaugers, joined up. Prompted by a friend, I re-entered this realm after a fifty year gap about two years ago, and have disposed of most of the long-time LGB and 16mm/ft stock to fund a layout. Main interest is Bassett Lowke (modern and vintage) and Ace, rather than Hornby. The Grand Plan is a scenic layout that uses techniques and materials that were used c1935-55, but thus far I haven't progressed beyond track on bare baseboards, because I keep getting distracted into playing trains - I designed-in quite a bit of operating potential, rather in Freezer style. If things have worked, the attached picture shows a corner of my work in progress, with a combination of BL, Hornby and Ace things in view. Track is Maldon Rail N/S. Regards, K
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