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  • Location
    South Devon
  • Interests
    Modern Image.
    VTEC and GBRf
    Rail Infrastructure
    Teignmouth Seafront - Love it, what can I say!
    Alien Saga

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  1. I just can't decide on US or UK modelling. It's made harder by the wife not being impressed for wanting to change and a 'limit' on how many locos can be seen to be had... 


    Love both for different reasons...

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    2. Guest


      Thanks to 2016 and upheavals in the USPS, the cost of personal imports has risen exponentially whilst the quality of the models has remained the same. Importers of US outline in the UK and mainland Europe has ceased trading. Whilst some EU retailers have ceased personal exports to the UK.



    3. GEOEng03


      Thanks Jack, I have noted how expensive it is to import.  What look like attractively priced units are suddenly as expensive as sound fitted if DCC ready etc... While Rails have started to fill some of the void, I do feel the cost has caused a loss of UK based traders.  I am also quite interested to see the price of ScaleTrains Et44 at £375 at one of the UK dealers, while they are £85 more expensive than Rails for Athearn as well - at those prices, is just making me question whether it is worth it!  Agreed that the new features are minimal as well for the cost - but the same can be said for the UK market too. 

    4. Guest



      The irony is that the quality of the models has not increased one iota, merely the cost. Even an envelope containing tiny details or decals costs $22+ for USPS air mail. 
      Whilst some Eu traders simply stopped direct sales to the UK. 
      Just one of the many reasons that I abandoned modelling overseas railways and returned to UK outline.


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