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Posts posted by nev7

  1. Haven't got room in the yard for any decent sized shed.

    Fed up of thinking after years of inaction, and need to be finally doing....

    I do have a friend a hundred yards away who is interested in exactly the same time period and the same type of mainly freight operation, but also doesn't have the room for a permanent layout.

    Soooo, I guess we'll have to either club together and rent a cheap lockup, or build an dismantle-able (is that even a word?) exhibition layout....

  2. I'm ready to start a loft layout, having ummed and arred for a number of years, and looking for some advice on the baseboard.

    What I'm thinking is to span the entire width of the house, across 15'6", using 175 x 22 timber hung on joist hangers fixed to the end walls of the house, to reduce the weight on the floor, possibly with a leg or two in the centre to provide more vertical rigidity. There will be two pairs of parallel joists, approx 10' apart, tied together with more timber towards each end to provide a "roundy-roundy" layout, all topped with 9mm (?) ply.

    Has anyone any experience on doing it this way that can point out any likely pitfalls?

    And how often would you, wise reader, suggest putting cross members between the parallel joists to support a baseboard width of around 27"?

  3. With all this time on my hands, I've rummaged around, found a 15mm ply offcut, a bit of flexitrack and some points.

    Here's what I've come up with so far.

    My preference is BR blue, but I think i may have to go pre-tops with some green diesels (not got a clue about steam, sorry) seeing as most breweries seem to have gone to road transport by the time tops came around.

    It's just really something to practice my modelling on, and to display a few bits seeing as I've been collecting a lot of cheap rolling stock over the last few years while procrastinating and never getting around to actually building anything... ;)


    I've lightly glued the track down for now, and bought some Scalescenes downloads to build up, and away we go.

    Anyone see any glaring errors so far in my track plan?

    Any and all constructive criticism and advice welcome...


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