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Posts posted by Trev520

  1. Thanks for the comments. The problem does not seem to be on the transition so I am not sure if there is a "rigidity" problem but will check later. I must admit I was wondering if it might improve with running - I did give it some time on a rolling road but the temptation to hang a train on the back was difficult to resist, I will give it a longer light engine run in before considering return. Once again thanks for suggestions and comments.



    Well I have given the loco a lot more light engine running, and just loosened the drawbar a tad. It seems to have settled down and is handling my normal loads O.K. I have managed to lose the chimney top 3 times now so it has Benin fixed solid!


    Thanks for the various comments.



  2. I have just got my 4705 and generally like the look of it. It runs ok but it does seem to slip on my incline, I do have quite sharp inclines but most of my locos cope with 6 coaches without slipping. The 47xx struggles and even seems to struggle light engine. Most of the reviews suggest it has good haulage capacity -certainly has weight. Just wondered if anyone else had similar issues or ideas? I did wonder if the tender drawbar might be causing the chassis to not be sitting on its drivers fully.

  3. I have been using Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 for some years to organise my photographs. It has a major benefit to me of allowing you to view photographs in a date view and also allowing you to add text to the day. This lets me record details of trips etc which is really useful. Having upgraded my PC the program is not working well so I am looking to replace. I already have Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 which has lost this feature replacing it with "events ". Has anyone got any suggestions for software to use. For info I have about 60,000 images covering 60 years to organise.


    Any ideas welcome



  4. Whilst using an iPhone 4s to run Touchcab all of my loco list disappeared! I use it with a Lenz 100 where the stack is still present. Has anyone else had similar prob? Bit of a pain as I had input names and sound functions for a significant number of locomotive.



  5. Could it be a gauge issue?


    Could your track gauge have tightened up due to ballast adhesive shrinkage?


    If the wheels are a tad wide to gauge it, could be that it runs fine on loose track and rollers, but is 'pinched' by tight-gauged track.



    John Isherwood.

    Something that I had not thought of, I will check the loco b to b in the morning. Thanks for your thoughts.



  6. Looking at the CLAG website, the bogies have a wheelbase of 7`6". The nearest is the class 47 at 7`3". This would be 1mm short (2mm total per bogie) in 00. If you use the Heljan drivetrain they come with 2mm axles, so you can fit some spoked wheels to the original axles, and as the middle axle doesn`t do anything you can have the smaller centre axle as well. Use some plastic section for making the bogie distance between bogies and the Heljan motor with different drive shafts.


    Thanks for the suggestion, I will look at that as an option.



    • Like 1
  7. Had another look at the manuals, thanks for the links. In the end I reset the control unit, 25 presses of f4! This cleared the command stack but I still have some loco's on the LH100 handsets which do not want to clear? The good news seems to be that the loco's on my iPhone Touchcab "stack" are all still there so I have not lost the additional data for sound, names etc that Touchcab allows. I reckon I have cleared at least 100 addresses so a good result.


    Thanks for the responses



  8. I keep getting the Err31 code which tells me the stack is full on the Lenz command station. I can delete locomotives from the handset stack but is there anyway of scrolling through the command station stack, and deleting them? I use Touchcab but this does not seem to let you delete from the command station list.


    Any help appreciated.



  9. Hello Trevor - that was a good result! -  so they must be exactly the type I need to replace those fitted to my Bachmann 45xx and 4575 tanks, I wonder what they come from?  I have Bachmann standard slimline tension locks fitted to my Hornby 'B' set at the outer ends, the inner are the same - only cut short and glued on to close-couple. I did think about using a fixed coupling bar as per the real thing, but I need to separate the coaches occasionally.





    Steve, I dropped you a pm
  10. Bachmann do several variations of the stepped couplings. The class 40 ones seem to have a deeper step than the 45xx ones I have had in the past.

    I had another look through my box of couplings and found some alternative stepped couplings. Not sure of the origin but they do seem to create a better match with the stock. Hopefully be able to test them on the layout tomorrow.

  11. Well finally found the problem. I managed to isolate the track section where the short was occurring. I could find nothing on the actual track, using eyeball & magnet as suggested. I use Peco switches attached to the PL10 point motors to change Frog polarity, I started checking these and found that one of the terminal contacts had got bent and was shorting. I must have caught it with my jumper sleeve. Bent them apart and I was back in business!


    Thanks for all of the suggestions.



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  12. I have managed to lose one of the brushes & spring for the motor on my Bachmann OW10. I have tried Bachmann but the model has been updated with a new model so spares are not available. The motor is a small open frame type, the brushes being much smaller than Hornby Ringfield type. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can resurrect this Motor?



  13. Ive received today a King TTS to add to my Bristolian King Charles II

    It came in a box with no fitting instructions, apart from a general guide.


    I expected to open the tender, remove blanking or previous DCC connection, unscrew the weight plate, fit the speaker, and decoder , reassemble and away.


    However what I have in the "Kit is

    1. Decoder, speaker, 8pin dcc plug (parts linked by soldered wires as expected)

    2 A plastic ring which is intended to fit on the speaker

    3 2 screws which don't fit any empty holes.

    Both the speaker and ring have extra spigots which line up and could be screwed together if the screws fitted; but I can't see any way that they can locate on the speaker location on the tender without obscuring the tender mountings and/or weight plate mountings.


    Are there two current versions of the tender chassis both for sound? (I can't locate the relevant service sheet(s) or maintenance leaflet on the Hornby site.)


    Anyone fitted TTS onto a King?

    Anyone with a TTS equipped King prepared to share a photo of the installation, please?




    I had similar challenge. My King had the DCC socket in the loco. Tender needed modification, weights removed and the speaker could be fitted using the weight screws where the weights were. The fixing spigots needed trimming / removing to allow the tender top to go on. I used a sticky pad to fix one weight above the speaker. Tender body relies on the front fixing screw alone. The speaker leads had to be extended to reach the decoder fitted in the loco, There seems to be plenty of room for the decoder and leads in the loco body. Reassembled loco and it runs OK. Not sure about sound quality, a better speaker may well improve the quality.



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