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Posts posted by Harbottle

  1. bluebottle mentioned a story from a photographic dealer. My brother once went into a local camera shop to buy some photographic paper. He told the young man behind the counter the make, size and grade of paper he wanted. The lad disappeared and came back with a wad of paper he'd taken out of the box and the thick black polythene bag it comes in. "Is this the stuff you mean?" he asks. Doh!

  2. If you want to see the 'stupid gene' in action just watch World's Craziest Fools on Sky 1. Some of these people are terminally stupid. I especially enjoy seeing skateboarders landing legs-akimbo on a fence or wall. Ouch!

    Earlier this year I stopped at a pedestrian crossing when the lights changed. A teenager started to cross as soon as he saw the light turn green for him. He was listening to his iPod and was totally engrossed in his mobile 'phone. What he was totally oblivious to was the cop car approaching the crossing at considerable speed with it's 'blues and twos' on. I gave him a toot on my horn and when he stopped and looked at me I pointed up the road to indicate that he should take a look the other way. He did so just as the cop car shot past him. Do these electronic devices carry warnings that the user should occasionally look and check out what's happening around them?

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