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Posts posted by ktundu99

  1. Looks good fun to me :)


    Not sure I share jaggzuk's scepticism of 1st radius curves though - when I was a lad in the 90s with my Hornby trainset on the living room carpet, I'd have all sorts of things running perfectly happily around 1st radius curves and points. Trying to run something with a long wheelbase (like a GWR King) too quickly would inevitably lead to a derailment, but that's clearly operator fault. I'd avoid tight curves where trains may be long/fast (like the main circuits), but I'd be perfectly happy with them on the branch or on sidings. My own layout (a 5' long shunting plank) is packed with 1st radius pointwork to fit it all in, and I've never had any issues! That said, I never had any gradients to contend with...

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  2. Hello, 

    Nice work!

    Why do you say "reasonable fine" overlays? I ask because I'm considering one day getting a cutter, but your post makes me wonder if there are limitations to the machine that your photos don't show; the overlays look near perfect - is that not the case? 


    (I realise these limitations may have been mentioned but I haven't yet got through all 77 pages of the thread!) 


    Certainly from my experience, there are two things that could make me describe the cutting as 'reasonably fine'. One is only really an issue with vinyl, and arises from the tendency of the vinyl to slip in the rollers slightly - on model-sized pieces this isn't a problem, but on some of the several-feet-long vinyls I've made this can start to be an issue.


    I've attached a photograph (horribly cruel close-up at an unflattering angle) of the other minor problem, demonstrated on a half-finished converted cattle-truck I cut the parts for on the cameo. If you look at the grille, you'll note that the holes aren't quite symmetrical. These were perfect rectangles in the file I cut, but have been slightly skewed by the offset of the blade - the blade rotates in the holder, and will therefore take a short-cut around any corners, slightly smoothing them. The software mostly corrects for this automatically, but in particularly fine items it can still show. I'm not bothered by this - from a normal viewing distance the effect is completely unnoticable.




    Please excuse the poor paint job - serves me right for using a rattle-can rather than get the airbrush out...

  3. I'd agree that adding a turntable is probably overkill - I've seen far too many layouts which are full of track with no space for anything else.


    I'm far from the last work on realism, but the plan in post #3 definitely has too many loops - it's far more eastern European than British to my mind.


    I think that your solution in post #5 is possibly optimal, though I could also suggest that a cut-down version of #4 may be better - if you get rid of the loop off the bottom and one of the facing crossovers. This would eliminate the need to block both mainlines between run-around maneuvers to access the sidings. The second facing crossover fulfils no useful purpose in any combination of vaguely realistic train occupancy or shunting scenrios I can think of.

  4. Looks quite an interesting plan. I do have a couple of thoughts/suggestions:


    -Assume you meant 4'x10' and aren't planning on building it in T-gauge? Not sure T-gauge is terribly child-friendly...


    -The gradient required on the red line looks like it could be rather steep to me. I'd want to test it out to make sure my locos/stock could handle it before I committed to building it.


    -Assuming you're going to be running some steam (and not using auto-trains etc), you might want to add a loco release crossover to the branchline station. This would do double duty as one end of a loop to make it possible to remove trucks from the coal yard without requiring a pilot.


    -The only loop you have in the mainline station cuts across both main lines. This means if a loco needs to run around a train while shunting the sidings then both main lines are blocked. This may not be an issue for you, but if you have a child who enjoys running trains as fast as possible around in circles, then this could be quite frustrating for both of you.

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  5. On the offchance that I'm not the only one who had issues with it, I've now persuaded the cameo3 and Inkscape to play together nicely under Arch Linux using this plugin https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-silhouette.


    The most recent version of inkscape appears to be necessary (there was an update to it last week, prior to which it didn't function properly). There is still the caveat that the autoblade doesn't work and only one of the toolholders can be used. The registration also appears to be off quite badly - I had to give it a manual offset of y=-106mm and x=5mm in order to hit the correct spot on the page.

  6. I noticed that the new Cameo 3 comes with what they call an autoblade. Would that work when trying to cut directly from inkscape without the Studio program intervening or should i buy a non-auto blade like a deepcut or a premium blade instead which both have manual adjustments? Silly question but i want to make sure i order all i need with the 1st go.


    All the 'autoblade' feature means is that the cameo can adjust the depth of its own blade, but it is also possible to manually adjust the depth. I assume the inkscape plugin doens't have the ability to adjust the blade depth but as long as you remember to set it yourself there shouldn't be an issue.


    Rather than the rotational mechanism of the old-style ratchet blades, the new autoblades are adjusted like a clicky biro - each progressive click makes changes the depth of the blade by 100 microns, and they have a little depth meter on the front of them.


    Silly question, do i need anything more to get me going apart from the basic package of the Cameo 3? In other words do i just get the Cameo and a sheet of styrene and i can get started in cutting/scribing? Are there any essential extras (for the Cameo 3) that i need to buy as well? For example any extra cutting mats etc (the 12" by 24" for example...)


     I think wherever you purchase your Cameo from it will come with a blade and a 12x12'' mat, which are all you really need. I'd wait until you've got it and have had a tinker before deciding what other accessories it may or may not be worth splashing out one (for example, I've now decided that some kind of scribing tool would be useful but that the deep-cut blade I'd thought I'd want turns out to be unnecessary).

  8. In my Inkscape I use Extensions/Export/Send to Silhouette


    IIRC I had to install the python-usb library - but I can't remember if that was only with Puppy Linux (which has a lot less stuff as normal) or also with Mate. python-usb is certainly installed on Mate now.




    Yes, I installed the python-pyusb package (which provides python-usb on Arch), but I don't get any of the relevant menu items in Inkscape after running the install script. I think I'll have a chase up with the developers and see if they can shed any light.



    Since linux and inkscape have been mentioned again. Could one produce an svg file with inkscape (on linux). Put it on a usb stick and then plug the stick on the Cameo 3 and use the file directly there for the cut without the cameo being connected to the PC? If i am not mistaken the Cameo 3 has a usb port for cutting directly.


    From my experiments with the same, this doens't work - an svg file is a description of the shapes and positions of objects, while a studio file (which the cameo can read from USB) is a description of where cut lines should be. Incidentally, I've found that cutting studio files from a usb stick has been unreliable, and some parts of files I've tried to cut that way have just been omitted by the cutter.



    It is a good price, when you take vat and delivery into account they are £10 cheaper than Yolo. The only concern for me is that they do not seem to have any spares or accessories for the Portrait listed on their website so I would be worried about aftersales service. 


    I've been burned before when purchasing from suppliers with little interest in aftercare (though I usually only require it should the product break). I recently purchased my cameo from them, but bought it from their eBay shop; this way I have eBay's buyer protection built into the purchase (which has come in very useful in the past).

  9. Finally received my Cameo late last week, and have just managed to sit down to have a play. I have a couple of questions which I'm not sure have been answered before (and a couple of insights I think have been missed).


    I'm a user of Arch Linux, and the Inkscape plugin doesn't appear to work with the most recent version compiled from source. When I connect the Cameo, I get a notification that a new printer has been attached, but Inkscape cannot communicate with it. I've been running Studio in a Win10x64 VM, which is painfully slow but seems to work. Do any of the other linux users hanging around this thread have any config advice beyond that in the docuantation for the inkscape Silhouette plugin, or is it just my fault for running a bleeding-edge OS?


    I've also been having a play with using Studio under Wine. The latest stable version which came out a few weeks ago (Wine 2.0) will not even open the installer properly, but the current (unstable) Wine 2.1 compiled from source will install it quite nicely but not run it (apparently the graphics libraries it requires aren't yet supported properly). I live in hope that future versions of Wine will work...


    Thanks for all the useful and inspiring information in this thread!


    I've attached a photo of the quick and dirty hut I knocked up (and scaled incorrectly, so is actually in 3mm rather than 4mm), potentially being rather optimistic about the windowframe thicknesses I could achieve - the whole thing is <4cm long. Must say, I'm very impressed thus far...



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  10. I've found that most derailments seem to occur when the track isn't perfectly level, particularly on points. By the looks of your baseboard, there is a fair bit of ballast left scattered around; even a couple of grains of stray ballast in the wrong place has caused me no end of difficulty in the past...

  11. I built a Toad D from a Dapol kit a few years ago for the club exhibition layout. When I took it along to the first show, it wouldn't go round the (Code 100) circuit and stay on the rails. That was with the supplied Dapol wheelset fitted. I removed them and replaced with Chinese Hornby wheels and it has run without fault ever since.


    I bin Dapol wheels on sight since. If you compared the profile to the Hornby ones there was a pronounced curved shoulder between wheel face and flange on the Dapol wheel, which I think helped them ride over trackwork.


    Of course they may have altered the profile since, or I may have had a bad set. I haven't chosen to investigate further.


    I've since gone over my entire collection of Dapol stock (some 30ish vehicles) and many of the more recently purchased vehicles (since about 2011) seem to have far less well-defined flanges, though some are perfectly ok - I wonder if they've had a duff batch recently...

  12. Apologies if this has been asked before, but I didn't find it.


    I'm forward-planning to my next layout which will probably be in 009. Off-the-shelf 009 trackwork seems rather coarse to me and doesn't seem to be a good representation of lightly-laid NG trackwork. Are 2fs standards applicable to 009 track as well, and has anyone tried this? It'll be diesel/industrial so no headaches with steam loco wheels...





  13. Apologies of this is a repeat, but I don't think it is...


    I've just received an order from Dapol, among it a Fruit D van. While it's a beautiful model (by my standards at least), it derails on just about any curve. I spent some time trying to work out why, and it appears that the flanges on the wheels are *miniscule* - if I push the middle of the side of the van while it's sat on the rails, half the time it won't tip over at all, it'll just slip off the rails. To make matters worse, the axleboxes seem to be further apart than they should be so the van doesn't always ride level and one wheel rides up rather easily allowing it to continue in a straight line rather than following a curve. I've tried substituting other wheelsets with larger flanges and this alleviates the problem somewhat but doesn't solve it completely. My questions are these:


    Has anyone else had similar problems with this van, and how have you solved it?


    I think something with a wheelbase this long should really have some kind of compensation, but I have no idea how to go about adding it to such a vehicle, does anyone have any experience in this area?


    Cheers in advance



  14. Just started looking for the numbers etc for a 14xx in early BR black based at Gloucester for a Golden Valley might-have-been project, and hey presto! It looks like there's a decent RTR model of *exactly* what I was after about to arrive... Really looking forward to seeing the model once it's released.

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