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Everything posted by Rhysb

  1. Mike, Looks great with the curtain attached. I am speaking with the back scene people about making up the back scene for Wessex Junction based on my Somerset panorama's. Could you not use these for Oak Road? Thanks Rhys
  2. Sorry Ian, Missed the new topic! Looking forward to this as never got to experience the previous Exford! Thanks Rhys
  3. Looks great Scott, looking forward to more updates! Any plans to put in 3rd rail?
  4. Do they not know that Glastonbury is not on this year?? What brand are those spray paints in the last picture...
  5. Hi all, Just a quick update of where we are! As many of you know the house move is shortly upon me so while this will be brilliant for the space dedicated to the new layout it meant that the old one needed to be packed away. The other half was away for the weekend so before everything got ripped up and boxed away it was time for a final running session. Stalwart of the Wessex Junction layout, here a class 158 heads south to Portsmouth on the mid morning Cardiff-Pompey rotation: Shortly followed by a new member to the fleet heading north. 205 Thumper heads to Avonbury from Romsey and Southampton: On the other side of the layout we see a stone working heading back towards the Mendips. Traction must have been in short supply as a tractor was drafted in for this one! Meanwhile normal service resumed with a class 59 on a similar working Finally some good old 47's. These images hopefully show the variance in liveries operated on the WOE during 1992 and 1993. 47474 is shortly due to be renumbered into 47712 with the NSE flashes etc. Firstly 2 pass each other on the farm bridge in the Wylye Valley: 474's last service before she heads off for re-numbering: So the inevitable deconstruction of the layout will begin. It may be a few months before the first signs of life in the new house but will keep posting updates on the track plan and reworking of the loco's Thanks Rhys
  6. I agree Mike. They can be good bases to build upon but the standard kits do not provide a finished product. I don't like the fact they don't provide a solution to cover fold marks etc.
  7. Hi all, House move is dragging on so the layout updates have been quiet. This has given me the chance to continue to build any buildings or things that I can box away ready for the move. So I have completed the other station building for the Westford on Avon (Bradford on Avon) station. As will the other building I have "edited" the metcalfe building to create something closer to the bath stone original. As discussed my layout is 1992-93 in era but I have kept the old GWR bits that are still in the station today to provide a bit of heritage. Sited here with the other building. Very happy with these.
  8. Saw this layout at trainwest today and was really impressed. My favourite at the whole show. One question I have is regards the Backscene. In this post you mention it is an ID backscene but today at the show it the one in place looks like a custom one? Also really liked the pylons. Great job
  9. Scott, Nice to see your layout and looking forward to seeing it take shape. Nice to see another layout in the Wessex region! Looking forward to the updates. The 159's normally just need a good greasing around the motor gears. Works for me! Thanks Rhys
  10. Looks great Stu. Evening lighting adds great atmosphere Thanks Rhys
  11. Great Work Richard, The spacing does make a great difference and looks great on your layout as well as Mike's. Looking forward to seeing how the branch line looks alongside the main tracks. Bullhead code 75 for me everywhere being in the Wessex region in the early 90's! Thanks Rhys
  12. Hey all, Apologies it has been a little while since my last update but I have some good news and some bad news... Firstly better start with the bad news: I am moving house! Thus the loft will be staying and I need a new place to put the layout! Plus this has meant progress has slowed meaning less updates! Now the good news. I am moving back to Somerset and my new house has a nice big outbuilding next to the garage which means I get my railway room! Fully insulated proper room and its bigger than my loft now so more space! This means we will see some additions to the track plan. The layout idea remains pretty much the same but the expansion will come on the Heart of Wessex branch line and I'm also looking to drop in a Mendip Quarry. It really will be all things Wessex! Good news for Mike (Oak Road) is il be about 1 mile from Castle Cary so I'm sure I can help him out there! Anyway I'm really happy as this means I'm getting the chance to really do things properly. The updates will not stop but just for a few months you will not see more landscaping and track but I am going to focus on the buildings and other things I can build for the layout now so will make things quicker when I get into the new space. And without further a do... Here is something I have been working on... One of the stations on the layout "Westford on Avon" is a tribute to Bradford on Avon. This will be a pretty much copy of the actual location but as the whole layout is inspired by the Wessex region it won't be exact. The first photo above is the view from what will be Platform 1 over to Platform 2 where this sits. What I have done is use the Metcalfe kit but added proper bath stone texturing which is what the actual building is constructed from. This is scale scenes sheets as I could not find any plasticard or formed stuff that looks anything like cotswold bath stone. The real station today has been kept in a heritage look with the GWR chocolate & cream dominating structures so "Westford on Avon" will be the same. I have added 90's regional railways signage mixed with heritage posters and GWR "nods to the past!" Above another view towards the platform side of the station. I will in time add the valance to the platform canopies but can't decide on what to do there yet. Whether to use the one supplied in the Metcalfe kit which looks great or try and exactly match the one at BOA. We will see! Above opposite end of the station as viewed if standing on the end of platform 2. Below is some views from the other side: firstly from the taxi/drop off/bus stop area, secondly the view from the car park and finally with a bus added for effect! I need to add some more finishing touches but once it is on the platform with benches etc in front and other furniture I think it will look good. I will look to clad the roof with some proper plastic sheets for texture and also add some internal lights. Im happy with this first attempt and I'm sure as my modelling skills get better i will rip it up and make something a little bit more scratch built rather than kit bashed but happy for now. Now onto the Avonbury (Salisbury) station buildings aaarrrrggghhhh!!!! Thanks Rhys
  13. There really is nothing like the good old HST and a mk3! I think they have borrowed the seats from the new Easyjet series!
  14. Like the lights Mike, Platforms are looking really good and coming together nicely. Looking forward to bringing some DMU’s into the bay platform while you wizz some HST’s round. See you bright and early on Saturday! Rhys
  15. Layout looks great Ian, really looking forward to trying to remember all the routes for the Romsey show. Your right in the fact that the chalk bank is less pronounced now with the extra greenery. Great job. Pretty sure the scalescenes kit is based on Trowbridge. I built a mockup sometime ago for my layout too but this was dropped for Bradford on Avon.
  16. Ian, Love the detail in the station area. Adds some great atmosphere! Rhys
  17. Platform looks great Ian! Is the brickblocking, drains etc a texture sheet or a card sheet? Thanks Rhys
  18. Stunning layout! Really captures the area. Cannot wait for more photos of this layout! This is definitely followed! Are you able to post a panorama image showing the layout in the loft? Thanks Rhys B
  19. Ian, Looks great, like the little retaining wall. Surely won’t be long until we can play trains at Tidworth again!
  20. Thanks Rich, appreciate your comments. I have always admired your Oxford Road layout particularly the underground section. Always made me want to do a London terminus!
  21. Haha no problem Mike! That suede stuff is probably one of our most toxic aerosols!! Bet you can’t wait for our new water based no smell stuff! PS it’s Plastikote not Plasticote! I’m always thinking of the SEO haha!! Looking forward to seeing the pictures!
  22. And for some action shots! Former NSE class 159 (now SWT) heading south to Avonbury (Salisbury) from Bristol Temple Meads to London Waterloo: Thanks Rhys
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