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Posts posted by DeadRinger

  1. 4 hours ago, Physicsman said:

    In the absence of any comments/questions/general information, can I ask a question? This is for my own interest, nothing more.


    How many of you that post on here are active layout builders/have something long-term "on the go"?

    And how many of you are passive onlookers, just watching developments - on this and other threads?


    I'm not being judgemental, as everyone is entitled to be as involved in modelling as much or as little as they please.






    I have been a modeller in the dim distant past, but done nothing for too many years.  However I do appreciate excellent modelling and yours is.  Long may you carry on.



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  2. 29 minutes ago, Physicsman said:


    And just imagine how that scene would have looked in 1873, without modern scaffolding and Elf and Safety!


    Orange isn't quite my style. Yellow, maybe.....





    I was just looking to see if there was a record of the number of lives lost building the railway, but the numbers seem mixed up with those who died because of illness, especially smallpox outbreaks.  However much we hate H&S, and I am one of them, the working environment is a much safer place nowadays.



    • Agree 4
  3. A good model [railway] should create an impression of reality.  At the top of the league (in my humble opinion) must be Pendon museum.  www.pendonmuseum.com.  But many layouts can attract attention for various reasons.  I usually find RTR layouts, however extensive, rather uninteresting, but if the layout captures that 'look' I will look more closely.  Capturing the large landscapes is more difficult, something the N gauge is rather good at.. Take Copenhagen Fields for example.  But Geoff has already demonstrated how this can be achieved in a larger scale. 


    I am rather looking forward to see how this layout pans out.




    PS.  In the dim distant past I demonstrated Hornby Zero-1 at several large exhibitions, with my co-demostrator, Brian Robinson.  He would often turn to me and mutter '"here comes another one!" referring to the anoraked unkempt man heading our way, knowing he was about to complain about some detail of a Hornby model he thought was incorrect! It was Brian that suggested a visit to Pendon would make you take up aero modelling!



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    • Funny 4
  4. Jeff,

    I have just virtually binge read this blog over the last couple of weeks (as I had previously done with Mike's Dent account).  The effort and expertise you put into the KL2 was phenomenal. (especially the walls!).  When you first covered the main fell with flock I was mightily impressed with the effect, but then the addition of the longer grasses an d other vegetation subsequently added absolutely made it come to life. Then add the comments, advice and the humour of your other followers has made reading about your efforts a very pleasant pastime.


    As the model progressed I was getting impatient for the completion of the station area, but progress slowed.  You can imagine my total horror at the destruction of the layout.  However once I read you reasons I am totally behind you.  As others have commented family must come first and make the most of the remaining days with your father.  I lost my father several years ago, and while I do not mourn for him, I do miss sharing things that happen to me and my family.

    I await eagerly for the next iteration.  To recreate the essence of the S&C as both you and Mike have done is a pleasure to follow. 


    I am a totally dormant model maker, but with an avid interest in finescale modelling and the qualities it can bring. (finescale as in the total accuracy of the model as opposed to the technicalities of gauge and so on.)

    All the very Best

    Deadringer (aka David)

    • Thanks 1
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  5. Sorry for belated entry to this topic, but I have only recently been searching the history of Zero-1.  I can confirm that Robin Palmer was instrumental in the design and development of Zero-1.  Robin was an independent consultant, who amongst other things invented the electronic doorbell chimes!  I cannot say for certain but I am pretty sure that Zero-1 was his concept.  He then developed it with Hornby and Texas Instruments.  There is quite a bit of a story to tell, which I will find time to write up.



    As promised, the story of the development of ZERO-1, from the (fading) memory of one of the developers at Hornby.  Please see the attachment.


    The Zero-1story.pdf


    I hope your enjoy.


    All the best


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  6. The original ZTC was set up by Robin Palmer, who is said to have worked for/with Hornby on the Zero 1 system, after Hornby discontinued Zero 1. ZTC has been reported by others as being the acronym for Zero Two Controls and was supposed to be the next stage in development of the Zero 1 system. Hence the backward compatibility with Zero 1 for some ZTC products.


    David Nicholson bought ZTC off Robin Palmer when it looked like it was going to close and ran it as one division in his business which I think was in the electronics sector and was called something like "Trizac" or Trizo", apologies if I've got the name wrong.



    Sorry for belated entry to this topic, but I have only recently been searching the history of Zero-1.  I can confirm that Robin Palmer was instrumental in the design and development of Zero-1.  Robin was an independent consultant, who amongst other things invented the electronic doorbell chimes!  I cannot say for certain but I am pretty sure that Zero-1 was his concept.  He then developed it with Hornby and Texas Instruments.  There is quite a bit of a story to tell, which I will find time to write up.



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