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Blog Comments posted by purplepiepete

  1. Hi Dave, fascinating stuff ! Are you planning to model down to the Iron Works. I have a photo taken from over the canal towards a derelict works - probably early 50's - and shows an nearly empty canal and overgrown sidings. Can't remember where from but may have been from the Geograph website. You have probably seen this before but can send if not. Photos of the works seem pretty rare.



  2. Hi again, yes have your book thanks plus the Oakwood one mentioned above. Also the excellent Railways and Locos of the Lilleshall Co by Bob Yate which must be the definitive history on the subject. I was too young to go spotting but we did occasionally use the train to Stafford and Wolverhampton in about 1962/3. Good to see that the line partially exists still to Donnington (COD as was) although on my last visit (my brother works at Hortonwood) the proposed freight terminal seemed mothballed just past Trench Crossing. Shame the rest has all disappeared under the new town and plethora of roads and roundabouts. Look forward to more pics and progress on the layout. Cheers Pete.

  3. Hi Norton, fascinating idea and one I had also considered in 7mm scale as it's a compact shunting/shed type plan to fit in a small space. I lived down the road in Newport in the 1960's and used to travel the area as a child with my Father who was a railway enthusiast. My profile pic taken by him is me as a 6 year old standing on the buffer beam of 4178 at Wellington station on the last train to Much Wenlock . I just about remember Trench Lock as it was when we travelled on the road into Hadley and on to Wellington where he worked. Particularly remember the crossing at Donnington when stopped to allow trains up the Granville Colliery line. There are some really good local history photos in the Images Of England - North Telford - book by Powell and Vanns which I recently bought in the Town Centre at Telford on a rare visit. Is the Blue Pig pub still there near Trench Pool ? Use to drink there occasionally in the 70's.

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