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Posts posted by davie

  1. On 25/12/2019 at 21:22, outatime said:

    The R1230 trainset looks like i could get a GWR HST for a reasonable price. Are there any additional coaches for it apart from the new Hornby ones?

    I am on the lookout for additional coaches too however doesn't seem to be any.  The difficulty is that the single GWR mk3 coaches which are available, come in a high gloss finish which look silly on a layout in my opinion.  The matt finish on R1230 looks better and blends in with other models of the same era.  Top tip, the only GWR mk3 coach which you can buy that suits the matt finish, is the TGS.  I purchased one 2nd hand on ebay for £31 and it had a satin sheen instead of high gloss, so you can get away with it.  Painting the yellow springs and door steps black helps to tone it down further. 


    R1230 is superb value for money...I bought 2 packs plus the TGS and still had change left out of £260 compared to buying 1 pair of super detailed power cars for that price!  The extra track always comes in handy and the controllers with trackmats can be sold on for a few quid.  So win win!  

  2. Hi, has anyone attempted and succeeded in fitting a Bachmann 47 bodyshell to a Lima 47 chassis?  I know it sounds mad, but with so many modern Bachmann bodyshells available on ebay, it seems a cost effective way of upgrading an old model for £30 without having to spend £150!  Vitrains bodyshells do not fit and are too narrow, Heljan fit perfectly if the Lima chassis is trimmed slightly and Heljan bufferbeam grafted on.  However with Heljan 47 production paused for several years, there are still interesting options to choose from in the Bachmann range.  Any hints and tips would be welcome, D

  3. Most of the front winscreens on my Lima 101's were fixed with just a little glue and were easy to push out with light finger pressure.


    However my favourite one, a NSE liveried unit, had lots of glue. Managed to crack both windscreen pillars and part of the body.  And the glazing still split!


    Very much a case of being lucky - not your lack of skill!


    Thank you for letting me know, just wish the donor I obtained had been easy to strip. Pity luck wasn't on my side here in being able to buy a spare set from you haha.

  4. I've been using 0.5mm lexan sheet but 0.5mm perspex is probably better. One sheet will do alot of locos! A black marker pen around the edges gives a pleasing effect.

    I've got a lima 101 in pieces at the moment so I'll check I haven't binned the front windows and get back to you.


    Hi, I have tried cutting some clear perspex sheet to shape but don't seem able to get it right. My hands are not the most steady so accurate work like is not very easy for me. However if you were able to source spare windows from your own class 101 that would be most helpful & solve my problems completely! The trick is trying to extract the front windows without them shattering. I purchased a scrap donor body, but cracked the windows while trying to remove them. It may just have been down to my lack of skill though!

  5. I suspect what was meant was,


    1) the Lima 101 has since been re-issued by Hornby, and so it may be possible to find glazing made by Hornby for their product which is identical to the Lima one.


    2) If there is an SE Finecast set it will be different and have a different reference to the one for the Lima 117, as the windows are a different shape and size between the two classes.


    Given that you only want the front windows I'd agree with SR Man that a make your own  solution is favourite, I wouldn't have said this if you needed them for all the windows in the unit!



    Thank you for your advice and I have tried cutting some clear perspex sheet to shape but don't seem able to get it right. My hands are not the most steady so accurate work like is not very easy for me. Your first option is most preferred to me, however Hornby don't seem to stock this part as a spare & no stockist has this available to purchase either. Hopefully something will turn up! Thanks again

  6. Thanks for your advice. I have purchased Krystal Klear so that I can glue a replacement set in place, however havr tried cutting some clear perspex sheet to shape but dont seem able to get it right. My hands are not the most steady so accurate work like is not very easy for me. Appreciate the advice.

    If all else fails, you could cut some windows yourself from clear plastic. If you make a mistake, it's not that difficult to cut another. I use Krystal Klear (a PVA-like glazing material) to glue windows in as it dries clear and will also fill any small gaps (e.g. at the corners) almost invisibly.

  7. Hi, many thanks for your reply. However according to Peters Spares, it seems that the SE12 pack is only for a Lima class 117 and so won't fit the front cab windows of a Lima class 101. For something so simple it's proving very near impossible to find a suitable solution.


    SE fine cast do vac formed replacements, or keep looking for Hornby spares, after all the Hornby one is just the Lima version reissued with better wheels and a new motor.

    • Agree 1
  8. Hi, I currently have a Lima class 101 with missing front cab windows which I purchased from ebay. Does anyone know where I can purchase replacement flush glazing that will fit the front window frames on a Lima class 101? I have seen some websites which refer to flush glazing being used in upgrade projects however no supplier source is ever mentioned. If anybody could offer some advice it would be appreciated. The only flush glazing I have found is for a Lima 117, however the front cab windows are different. Many thanks in advance. Regards, Davie.post-30398-0-74730000-1493591958_thumb.jpg

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