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Cherry Tree Junction

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Posts posted by Cherry Tree Junction

  1. 2 hours ago, TomE said:

    My overarching question is, why.... Why waste time, effort, and more importantly in Hornby's case, money, on a scale that has almost zero industry support (even with other recent announcements it's still practically nothing relatively speaking) Why not invest in a scale that already has a user base, i.e. N Gauge, where people will be able to buy models and run them on existing layouts with existing stock. 

    Hornby have clearly decided TT is going to be the alter on which they sacrifice themselves. It all seems pretty bonkers to me.




    It's not that odd a decision when you realise that this is the first time they can sell British outline models directly into overseas market without being out of scale - TT is widely used and supported overseas and now people can mix and match British and continental models on the same layout without any scale problems. 


    TT:120 fits neatly between HO and European N scales. I really do think this will be successful for Hornby, as well as all the other manufacturers, on the basis that the market is already huge, and for the as yet very niche domestic market, a further selling point is that this opens up the same opportunities for us too - get a Hornby TT trainset and bolster it with that European rolling stock or loco you've always fancied but didn't want it to look silly next your 00 gauge stuff. 


    As for online only, why not, literally everything else is available online from groceries to cars, people buy far more expensive and considered purchases than some toy trains all the time based on online only and a few well placed Instagram adverts, check some youtube reviews and click "Buy It Now". 

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