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Everything posted by Tricky

  1. I've also had a go at hand-lettering a wagon...
  2. So, over the past few days I have been working on a structure (of unknown usage...!) to fill in the awkward gap to the left of the office building. I think this gives the area a bit of interest and visual depth.
  3. Personally I quite like the drumming sound the stock makes as it trundles its way across rail joints and turnouts...
  4. Some wicker packing cases have appeared- guess whose are 'his' and whose are 'hers'...
  5. Is anyone interested in copies of 'Midland Record' from the Preview issue through to issue 21?
  6. Hi all, I have been posting over on the 7mm section on my thread 'Midland in London' but it has been suggested I post some pics here and see if they pass muster...so here goes. Thanks, Richard
  7. I've had a great day at Monk's Gate today, mostly making various crates, boxes, and a few sacks. Oh, and a suspicious looking crate with straw sticking out of it...I imagine some piece of garden statuary inside... I reckon I'm about a third of the way there with the amount of crates etc required but it's these details that really make it come alive. If anyone knows a good source of figures to populate a scene such as this, I would be very interested. Cheers, Richard
  8. Cheers Tony, thanks for the encouragement, look forward to seeing how you get on. Always glad to share the hints and tips I have picked up over the years. Richard
  9. Thanks Dave, I had a few attempts at the wall plates but in the end cut down the ends of some Slaters barrels, and added the centre bolt detail. Those on the warehouse are again Slaters from their buffer housing moulding. I am in the middle of making some crates and other random boxes and general goods to clutter the loading bay. Richard
  10. A busy and productive few days on Monk's Gate, the office building and warehouse are largely complete and the two covered loading bays have begun to be painted. I need to make quite a few crates, boxes, barrels and assorted goods to populate the loading area and give it a busy feel. Also need some porters to really set the scene.
  11. Hi Guy, yes, it was my intention to have a go at carving it in relief as per a picture I found on line somewhere. Here is a photo of the result. A cruel enlargement as they say...! Richard
  12. A productive day at Monk's Gate. A good start made on the row of structures to represent a cameo of loading/unloading facilities, offices and warehouse. I cut away the backscene behind the middle section of awnings and made a deeper section to give more depth to the loading bay. This is painted black along with the areas behind the buildings. Window blanks are cut for all the windows and will have glazing bars fitted. Next is to cover with Das ready for brick-scribing. The missing section at the top of the left hand building is awaiting a decorative carved 'MR' panel...hopefully.
  13. By the way, if anyone is vaguely interested, the signal post stays are cotton thread which runs through tubing in the 'ground' and has little weights suspended underneath so they stay taught. There's nothing less convincing than saggy stays...!
  14. Hi Les, thanks for your encouraging comments....the road to the left is a little bit of fun trickery really; it has a mirror at the back to give the illusion of it continuing and giving artificial depth. Of course real life is suspended here with the route of the railway, as happens in quite a lot of places on this very minimal layout. If you read earlier in the posting, it's more of a series of views than a slavishly followed prototype... far from it...!
  15. Thanks! Although Ned looks like he's floating ever so slightly...
  16. Ned with his revised shackles. I await approval or otherwise...!
  17. Great, thanks for the clarification Guy, I will attend to this shortly...! Richard
  18. Hi Guy, Ooh err... do you mean a chain going over the horse side to side connecting the shafts? With your reference to name and address, my photos of these vehicles only seem to show the lettering I have done...? Cheers, Richard
  19. Ned is at last united with his dray...! Just need to devise a suitable and convincing load...
  20. Not posted for a while, due to a combination of ill health and not much going on at Monk's Gate, other than a bit of scenic work to the 'goods yard' entrance.
  21. Tricky

    Lighting gantry

    Simply stunning as always.
  22. He gets a bit over excited. It's his age.
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