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Posts posted by salmonhermes

  1. Thanks SignalEngineer.
    I have a card kit of a chapel that could be adapted to this chapel.

    I'm also  lucky enough to have a 42' long dry man-cave under my house in Turkey where I'm starting a 4' x 42' of Woodhead Tunnels (8' with in-tunnel timed stops) in OO with Woodhead to Crowden on one side and Dundord Bridge to Hazlehead/Hepworth on the other. (At the ends the Mains re tunnel around back up and into 2 dumbbells above and inside the high Woodhead Tunnel.
    Luckily all short platforms.
    Changeover day 1954 means I can run everything from 1500V and anything in steam/diesel both before and after as well as 7 coach long passenger trains.

    Crowden Station is the place with the least info and pics so Im grateful for anything I can get from 1954 and before!

    Anyone else got anything? Appreciated in advance... Chris

    • Like 3
  2. Hi Tony.



    ...there are 2 types of sticky label: permanent (price labels; fridge fronts; etc) and those "why aren't they all like this" easy off labels - similar to masking tape.


    The Pullmans 'may' have the permanent type (cos we want them to stay put)


    Desperate one day I Googled/YouTubed and found WD40.

    I know...it's oily...can't possibly work...but it did for me! Fridge sticker residue came off like a good 'un! No anwarranted side-effects, either.


    Used it ever since. Yes I would use it on a model on the basis that my models come into contact with WD40 occasionally anyway.


    Try it...if/when all else fails...


    Good luck!



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