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Posts posted by andyfoulger

  1. pointless traverser.pdf

    If it's just a fiddle yard - would a 'pointless' fiddle yard be of interest ? 

    The attached PDF is intended to show a sliding board that replaces 5 off points - a pair of these boards would be required per fiddle yard. The stub on the left being the scenic section, the green section being part of the fiddle yard.

    Some of the earlier images in this post have stub sidings - OK,  just add straight track to the sliding board as required.

    Interlacing the 5 off curved tracks will reduce the required travel - no point blades would be required - just 'frogs' for the crossings. Wiring becomes 'more interesting' with the interlacing ....





  2. this is shaping up very nicely ...


    As the car is too long - have you considered cutting it in 'half' and displaying the two ends coupled together to portray two cars - some additional trimming of the car will be required so that they align with the diorama edges and some trickery can be used to support to open ends given that the bogies are now in the centre.  





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  3. ​We had 'parked' all thoughts of the tramway while preparing for the show.

    We do need to trams running in both directions on one side of one passing loop though as this was 'working practice' in Trawden. 

    'Booking hall' managed to find an image of Burnley's (my home town!) tramway under construction - a pair of standard points (I'm in trouble now) with two moving blades had been assembled and were in the process of being 'cobbled' 


    Anyway ... 

    There might be another 'thread' for this discussion though - apologies to 45669 for the 'hijack'.



  4. Only a small amount of progress made during the past weeks ...



    The 'old' mock-up can be seen on the left and the current mock-up (final version?) can be seen on the right. The paper template between the two structures is just for positioning.

    Placing the embankment parallel to the back edge and not modelling the rear slope of the embankment hasn't provided the amount of space I was expecting... The silver base is 190mm x 190 to ensure that I don't fail the size restrictions (again).


    I've opted to model the embankment in two halves in order that the stone work under the bridge can be worked on at the same time as the wings. Still intending to use scribed DAS.

    Paint pots galore in the background, I've been playing with a sample of scribed DAS - my efforts in the paint-mixing-department do tend to produce BROWNs,  ggrrr.



    There is a void under the track bed, I'm beginning to think that there should be some 'nonsense' in there to add interest to  the project, will have to discuss this with my advisers (aged 9 and 11).



    • Like 7
  5. Hi,


    I'm a member of PFMRS in Brierfield Lancs, we're current building a new layout based on Trawden in 1925/1930 - the tramway will be included along with a fictional railway (plans approved in parliament but never constructed).

    We've modelled a number of passing loops with Y points using two moving blades ... Crich depot appears to have a Y point near the depot gates, does any one have some good photos of the Y point that can be shared in this thread or via PM ?


    I'm hoping that no one is going to tell me that we've modelled a non-existent point (Y point with two moving blades), no, that was poorly phrased ... I'm hoping that someone will provide photos of a real Y point with two moving blades....


    thanks in advance.


  6. Hi,


    CBC #2.

    While waiting for glue and DAS to dry on 'Disused line' my attention was caught by a feature in a LYRS magazine... a signal box was built    IN    a river bed due to a lack of space. A level crossing next to said box was also built over the river. How odd.


    I contacted LYRS and promptly received some additional pics and info about the signal box at Ilex Carr Hall. I also bought a copy of 'Volume2, Signals boxes on LYR lines by Chris Littleworth.

    The Hufling Lane (Burnley) signal box around the corner from 'disused line' is the same Saxby Farmer type 9 box (albeit, brick base and not placed in a river!).


    So, the glue and DAS was taking sooooo long to dry on 'disused line' that I decided to try making a mock-up of Ilex Carr Hall.





    closer details.





    My representation of a Saxby and Farmer box is 'way off the mark' but it was an interesting exercise putting it together.

    The general scene has lots of interest and I'll be doing more on this CBC in parallel to 'disused line'.


    The CBC seen above was also shown at the club's annual show.









    • Like 11
  7. More views of the displayed CBC






    Mock-up 5 (final version?) will have a number of differences to previous efforts...

     - The embankment will be parallel to the back edge.

     - The 'rear face' of the embankment won't be modelled.

     - The track bed will be level.

     - A larger section of the farm building will be modelled.

     - Some sort of foam block will be used for the embankment in order that the scenic material is supported in a good way

     - It will actually have a footprint that fits inside the allowed 8" x 8" !!

     - It will have a scenic finish applied.



    I'd mentioned a Caterpillar Bulldozer in earlier threads, this hasn't been forgotten. I was able to find some more images that showed the 'missing' details, so I'll be putting on my learning cap again and having a go a scratch building a 'dozer.




    • Like 6
  8. My self imposed deadline of the club's annual show was upon me all too soon, the deadline was missed and I ended up displaying a CBC entry that was far from complete, this caused me a great deal of discomfort given that I'd encouraged other club members to present their own CBC entries - which were stunning. One lesson well and truly learnt.


    Mock-ups 1, 2 and 3 came and went, mock-up 4 was half of mock-up 3 plus some other bits tacked on.


    The curved wings of the bridge presented some difficulty, I had to re-learn how to draw 2D sections of a 3D cone in order to cut the required piece of card - the piece that would be 'the wall'.



    I got there in the end, now the plan was to cut some embossed stone sheet to glue onto this framework. I hadn't appreciated that the resulting stone work would not appear level, so the embossed sheet idea was scrapped and a layer of DAS was applied with a view to scribing in the stonework. The scraps of foamboard glued to the back of the 'wall' were added to provided support for the stone cappings that would be made from DAS.



    • Like 1
  9. Yes - superb work. Thanks for helping to promote the competition. As Dave says above, we can get people modelling. Maybe not building a layout straight away, but making something.


    I'd also like to say thanks to everyone who is taking part. I've deliberately not commented on build threads. Partly so it doesn't look like there is any favouritism - not that it would make any difference to the result, but also 'cos I'd just be hitting the "Like" button on everything. 

    thanks Phil. promoting the competition, the club and modelling general, a win win win situation    :)




    • Like 1
  10. Displays such as the above, I think, can be a great motivator for folks not yet sure about the hobby.  While perhaps not a "layout" (depending on one's definition) it does show a way for people to "test the waters" so to speak.  Excellent job Andy!

    thanks for the kind comments. it was a pleasure to show-case the excellent models.



  11. Our display of CBCs attracted a fair amont of interest from fellow exhibitors and visitors during the PFMRS exhibition. Several visitors had read the magazine feature (the real thing - not our scaled down scans included in the display) and they were pleased to see real examples.

    Liam, Paul, Jim and Dave provided stunning examples of what can be achieved, I provided the two 'they might be finished one day' entries ...


    The prints seen on the display board include screen grabs from some of the other CBC threads with permission of the modellers, Phil also gave permission for his images to be used. 


    All in all, we felt the effort was worthwhile, for us - the display proved to be a great 'tool' for engaging with the audience, for the audience - they did seem to enjoy these 'mini marvels'. 

    The attached image shows the general arrangement, detailed images of 'No more coal' can be seen in the CBC forum, Jim and Dave might be starting their own threads for 'Woolly jumpers' and '25kV feeder substation'.





    • Like 17
  12. I was just wondering had you considered looking in the german HO ranges for a dozer ?


    Wiking do a nice old fashioned Hanomag bulldozer , maybe with a repaint it could look ok ?




    hi, thanks for the Wiking suggestion ... seems that my previous efforts to find a 'dozer were rather feeble ...

    scratch building ( or perhaps - creating huge pipe of waste plastic) will be attempted first - I've still got an whole 19 days until the 'dozer is required for our club show ...



  13. Hi. might I suggest the Langley models Drott. often seen on track lifting expeditions.


    thanks for the suggestion. I had a look at the Langley models Drott and then stopped looking when I saw the price tag :) 

    Woodland scenics have a 'bulldozer' kit at £11 or thereabout but it seems to have a cable operated blade.


    I'll stick to the scratch build idea for the moment.



  14. I think that the bulldozer in post 13 hs been identified as a 'Caterpillr 933g'! A link in Ron Heggs brilliant  'Manchester Cetral' page had a very clear image of two of these things being transported by Becks heavy haulage.

    Can't find any 4mm models of a 933g bulldozer - 'Booking hall' wonders if I'll be scratch building ... ah.


    Having thought about the scratch build question ... This entry is all about learning (post 1) and having seen Ron Heggs take on 'Manchester' (I've only read 50 of the 131 or so pages so far) ...why not scratch build a simplified bulldozer ? nothing ventured and all that ....




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