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Posts posted by PannierTanker14

  1. 10 hours ago, manna said:

    G'day Folks


    Not much to look forward to.


    The forecast for this year looks pretty bad. You’ve forgot the evolution of the Murder Wasps in America. I’m sure they’ll take over around August sometime. As for the secondary pandemic, is that when the WiFi goes down world wide?

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  2. On the subject of Diesel engines; correct me if I’m wrong (which is likely) but I’m sure the original Diesel engine was never initially designed for fossil fuels and won a Gran Prix by running on Peanut oil! 
    Only after Rudolf Diesel died suspiciously on a ship did the engine run on fossil fuel.


    so with this information we could return diesels back to the peanut oil days instead of deleting them from as a power source.

    i would quite like to see a Class 40 running on peanut oil :laugh:

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  3. I saw two BR large logo grey class 20s in charge of a freight train in Nottingham a few months ago. It looked like it had gotten stuck as I waited at the station for it to go by for about an hour.

    Instead a cleaner train pulled by two 66s went through instead.


    Anyway, superb photography of these locos here at Seven Mills. I thought one was of a full scale loco :laugh:


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  4. There’s a gas outlet on a massive building in Notts which I go by on the bus often. It is surrounded by signs saying ‘FLAMMABLE GAS, NO SMOKING’
    but sure enough there were at least five people huddled around it smoking.

    if that building ever explodes it wouldn’t be hard finding out why... 

  5. I haven’t been to the GCR since last year. It really is a wonderful place, kinda like a Jurassic Park but with locomotives :laugh:


    I grew up nearer the Avon Valley Railway which is a nice little railway but nothing compared to the might that is the Great Central.

    The AVR is like a little train set, small but good, and the GCR is like a full 60ft exhibition layout in O, massive and spectacular!


    any chance you’ll have a video of the event too?


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