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Posts posted by GeoffAlan

  1. 1 minute ago, melmerby said:

    IIRC the Millenium thingy (not a dome) was originally supposed to be near the NEC until Blair got involved and insisted it should be in London.

    If it had been, it would've post 2000 just become an extension to the NEC and probably wasted a lot less public money.

    You're some sort of anti London revolutionary, I like your style!

    • Like 3
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  2. It made a kind of sense for BR to allow one region to use Diesel Hydraulics as the technology was well established and so 'should' have been a great success. Diesel Electric propulsion was regarded in some quarters as having greater potential, but in need of more development.


    With the benefit of 20/20 hindsight we can say that the one was always going to be more reliable but back in the day that was not clear. That Western Region would be chosen as the odd man out is no surprise. I suspect they lobbied hard for the 'privilege' of being out of step with everyone else.

  3. I suspect the whole thing was classic over ambition. At 71, with arthritic fingers, I'm still running and repairing my vast N gauge collection, acquired over the last 48 years and 6 layouts. My latest layout, started at age 65 is kato track, which would have solved the OP's problems re track laying, is still awaiting more detail, but is largely complete and providing much fun for me and my grandkids. I have a shunting layout in a hard plastic rifle case comes on apace. 

  4. I attended a wargames show a couple of years before Covid struck, 


    It was in an educational establishment and they provided the 'catering'. They ran out opf bacon for bacon sandwiches within 5 minutes of opening, apparently the exhibitors  and sales staff had eaten it all. An hour later they ran out of bread buns! 


    Some venues aren't run by numpties, but sadly some are. I gather the show, which was for a charity had paid quite a bit for use of the premises.  


    The next time we attended we took out own packed lunches and drinks.

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  5. A Wargames group I have contact with have missed 'their show dates' in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Due to obvious reasons. They tell me their 2023 show is unable to use 'their date' due to some venues not taking bookings, presumably due to the energy price insecurity, and those taking dates being booked solid for every weekend , thus pushing other local (<50 miles radius) shows and exhibitions into venues and dates, including 'their date' that they have not used before.


    I suspect energy costs, even if capped will increase costs too.

  6. Having heard sound fitted locos at exhibitions I'm not impressed. While the starting off sounds seem OK, the sound of steam locos while running sounds like they have the thing in full gear and pulling hard. Not the sound of an engine with small cut off and running free. 

    • Like 1
  7. I am, by inclination a republican*. However experience of politicians past and present has taught me that our constitutional monarchy had/has great benefits. Not only didn't we get a President Thatcher, or Blair, but will be spared Presidents Johnson, Truss and Starmer. 


    Elizabeth II was my second monarch and Charles III is my third. I expect/hope he will prove to be as worthy a King as his mother was Queen.


    * No, not in the American sense, by any means.

    • Like 7
  8. On 14/08/2022 at 21:01, Il Grifone said:

    It's very touchy. Personally I would avoid anything controversial, even on my own (private) layout.

    German  locomotive 1934-45 models for a long time (still?) had a blob on their tenders!


    It used to be, and possibly still is, illegal to display the swastika in West Germany and later the reunified Germany. So Airfix had to cut them out of their decal sheets on German WWII aircraft when sold in Germany. German manufacturers of railway models certainly left a blank where the swastika was under the eagle. I have several locos where it is missing. Although I've a couple where it is present!


    The law was introduced by the occupying powers in 1945 and for what were then totally understandable reasons. 

  9. On 16/04/2022 at 09:46, Legend said:

    Yep, Carrington tendered his resignation over the failure of the Foreign Office to predict the Galtieri regimes actions . He was a decent honourable man . The person that should have gone was John Knott who was presiding over the budget cuts to the RN .the proposed removal of Endurance , the Antarctic patrol ship was a direct message to Galtieri we weren’t interested in the Falklands any more . He was reducing frigate and destroyer numbers and was going to sell Invincinble to the Australians . All these signals were picked up .  Ironically if the Argentinians had waited a year or two we probably wouldn’t have had the capacity to mount the same operation to take the Islands back . 

    You would have thought we would have learned from that , especially the need to have well armed warships that can be deployed quickly ……..but no . I think there are only 2 type 45s capable of steaming at the moment , not that they are much use against a Russian destroyer , frigate or even corvette . While they might be able to defend against incoming missiles they certainly can’t remove the threat as they have no teeth apart from 5 inch gun .

    See underlined. My words exactly when my wife and I were discussing the war after the news mentioned it was 40 yrs ago. 

    • Like 3
  10. 20 hours ago, Penlan said:

    I seem to recall that HGV's on the roads had a maximum of 20mph too, up until after WW2, can't recall the year, but my father drove some heavy timber lorries twixt Leicestershire and the Scottish borders at the time and took forever......
    Me sat on the running board? May 1949.  I recall him stopping outside the School once to pick me up in this, bit more impressive than a current day SUV. 

    May 1949 - Studebaker Timber Lorry at Beaumont Woods #1.jpg


    I remember, back in the 1950s heavy goods lorries, like the ERF and Foden 4 axle lorries being limited to 20mph, lighter lorries were limited IIRC to 30mph. Frankly some of the bigger lorries had the same issue as unfitted goods trains, not a lot of power and very poor brakes.


    Even when the limits were lifted quite a few of the older lorries still carried rusting 20 or 30 plates on the rear for a good while. 

    • Like 2
  11. 9 minutes ago, PaulRhB said:

    Sonic and the N gauge stuff looks good in the flesh. Rails seem to be the main source advertising it so far. I understand other Revolution stockists had the N gauge range as Ben and Mike were providing assistance to Sonic too so they might carry the OO stuff possibly. 

    I have the Sonic 56xx and three, so far, one on order but in batch three, Hunslets. All run well.

  12. The N gauge society commision items from a variety of manufacturers. Their first locomotive recently arrived (A Hunslet DH shunter) and is brilliant. While they did it for love of the scale and hobby, It rather proves that commissioning a model is the way to go. If our traditional manufacturers are doing it so can anyone else. 

  13. I can understand your frustration. No doubt Hornby will cite lack of available chips, Covid and Brexit.


    However, this has been going on for years and Hornby are by no means alone in over-promising and under-delivering. I'm referencing promises made long before these problems came along and multiple manufacturers. One took 11 yrs from 'grand announcement' to actually in the shops, two announced a loco then dropped it, in one case a couple of years later and the other some years after that.


    I now treat announcements as a testing of the waters and if sufficient pre-orders materialise, then the published progress dates are a wish list for the actual production process from CAD to box in shop. Treat them as an over optimistic guess by the manufacturer. 

  14. I ordered a wheelchair to be delivered the day before my wife came out of hospital following treatment for a Brain Abscess. Yodel were the sellers chosen 'delivery agents' and I paid extra for next day delivery. It didn't arrive, and according to what I could glean from them they didn't know when it would arrive, so I cancelled the order. Then ordered an identical one from a different seller to be delivered the day after she was due home. 


    The latter arrived on the due date and several days later, on arriving home from her first outpatient physio-therapy, we had a note through the door saying yodel had called. I went onto their online site where it proved impossible to tell them I had cancelled the order so again called the seller and informed them of the attempted delivery. Several more notes came through the door over the next few days, most when we were out, but once while we were in, no audible knock on the door and the door bell remained unused. I decided against kicking against a wall of blubber.


    The day of the next physio-terrorist appointment, shortly after returning home, I popped out into our garden to go to the bins only to find a battered cardboard box containing a wheelchair. It had been thrown over our 1.8m rear gate. 


    I called the original seller and asked them to collect the cancelled and now damaged wheelchair. Their response was they'd get Yodel to contact me. Yodel eventually called and demanded that I take the battered item to a 'collection centre'. I replied that hell would freeze over, the sun explode and the universe end before I'd run after them. So I contacted the seller yet again, who arranged for a different and better courier to call and retrieve the damaged item. 


    Yodel, pay extra and we'll wait over a week after the due date to throw the parcel over a fence. Great advertising, they should use it.


    At least it would be honest.

    • Friendly/supportive 4
  15. I remember reading an autobiography of a railwayman based somewhere just outside the GW area. Apparently the guards hated getting a GW Toad, in place of their normal LMS ones and it was all down to the lack of verandah at one end. Also he stated that the preferred orientation, should they get lumbered with one was verandah next to the train. 

    • Informative/Useful 1
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  16. On 09/03/2022 at 16:10, woodenhead said:

    Aint it always the way, that as soon as somone finally finishes his kit an RTR comes along...

    I used to build 1/72nd Armoured Fighting Vehicles. After my 5th scratch build was yet again followed by a kit from a firm called ESCI I gave up! Hence railway modelling!

    • Like 1
  17. The only reviews i half believe are the ones that are unhappy with the product. Sometimes it's obvious that the reviewer is a nutter, other times that they didn't know what they were buying and some have had genuine problems with the product, seller or manufacturer.


    Glowing reports in small numbers mean nothing, it's too easy to use fake accounts to post multiple glowing reviews. You see it quite often in reviews of sellers on ebay, but it happens elsewhere too.

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