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Posts posted by Jez12

  1. 5 hours ago, jonhall said:

    Yes, the NRM in its infinite wisdom decided to move everything, in all my dealings with them they are hopeless, probably one of the few organisations that make a certain Mr Trump look competent.


    Now I'v got that off my chest... this should be the link to the railway photgraphic colections https://collection.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/search/categories/photographic-collections-(railway)/images


    From there you will need to navigate and find the photos yourself, but as a head start, if you take my filenames from page 1 in the link there is a section that says (for example) ....group=BTF....  so that will tell you which folders the photos were in, and you can start with those.



    Thanks Jon


    I'm actually finding the search engine in the Science Museum link really difficult to understand. I've typed words like cattle and horses in but that doesn't get me anywhere. I'll keep working and hope the penny will drop before long. Any tips would be much appreciated!


    Thanks again



  2. 6 hours ago, drmditch said:

    Probably depends on what period you are modelling, and whether you are basing your railway on a particular prototype. That would give you somewhere to start from!

    My era is late 50s/early 60s.  The specific area is East Yorkshire, based on typical NER design, in an area with a typical rural economy. It is also the location for Beverley Races. So horses and livestock were both common in the area (although rail traffic was obviously in decline).


    Many thanks for your interest in my post.

  3. Hi. I'm new to the forum and really interested in this topic. I'm designing a model railway (based in East Yorkshire) and would really like to understand horse and livestock loading/unloading procedures, plus pictures of cattle pens etc.


    This thread looks like it might have many answers for me but unfortunately none of the images open when I click on them. I realise the thread was created a few years ago and maybe all the links have long since been deleted, but I'm hoping someone out there picks up my message and could point me in the right direction!


    Thanks in anticipation.


  4. Does anyone know if there was a standard NER turntable design and, if so, who was the designer and where I might be able to find scale drawings etc? I'm particularly interested in the East Yorkshire area. Likewise I would be interested in any advice on loco coaling facilities. Examples of locations I am interested in are Bridlington Driffield, Scarborough, Whitby.


    Hopefully I will put this knowledge to good use shortly and incorporate these aspects into an OO layout I am planning.



  5. I'm new to the site and this is my first post!


    I'm planning a new layout based on my childhood memories of the NER in East Yorkshire. I spent many happy hours at Beverley when the goods facilities were still in action and was also invited into the station signal box in the mid 1970s - the experience is etched in my memory. I want to recreate the atmosphere of the GT Andrews architecture in a layout based in the 1960's. I have access to scale drawings of Filey station. But I am struggling to find much on the goods facilities - apart from a number of superb photos of the Beverley coal drops taken by Mick Nicholson. Does anyone have any scale drawings or know where I can find them - especially of the goods warehouses (for example Cottingham, Hutton Cranswick etc) and the coal drops that were so common?

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