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Status Updates posted by Steamysandy

  1. From Steamysandy (Alex Rankin)

    I realize this is a bit late but Google JNS Forum to get on the web site I mentioned

     Hope this helps

  2. Thinking of having a clear out

  3. Snow like this in Longniddry is quite rare

  4. Snow like this in Longniddry is quite rare

  5. Missing dvds to be sent tomorrow with apologies

  6. Ordered4 dvds recently.Laid them aside on arrival.Opened them today to find 3 of them are empty and marked as such outside .E mail to German supplier sent

    1. Metr0Land


      Deutsche Ordnung isn't the same these days is it?

  7. Ordered4 dvds recently.Laid them aside on arrival.Opened them today to find 3 of them are empty and marked as such outside .E mail to German supplier sent

  8. Ordered4 dvds recently.Laid them aside on arrival.Opened them today to find 3 of them are empty and marked as such outside .E mail to German supplier sent

  9. Ordered4 dvds recently.Laid them aside on arrival.Opened them today to find 3 of them are empty and marked as such outside .E mail to German supplier sent

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