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Posts posted by 50042

  1. It's been a few years since I uploaded anything, but I thought I would add a link to the old forum site for anyone who might be interested.


    The quality of the models available today has improved since most of the photos and videos on the old forum were taken.




    • Like 7
  2. 37905 @ Oxford and a couple of 375s @ Maidstone East and West.


    About twenty years between the photos (as I have not taken a photo for about twenty years !)


    Cannot remember where the 20s were.


    40036 in the shed at Stratford just before it was dragged to Swindon.


    And a couple of shots taken high over London, one of Waterloo and the other showing Blackfriars, Cannon Street, London Bridge and Waterloo East.








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  3. Hi Peter,


    Glad to see (and have found!) Llanbourne over on the new RMWeb.


    I must admit I'm struggling to find any enthusiasm for the new look. It may well just be me, but I can't seem to find any of the threads that used to be so easy to find and contribute to. I don't mean any disrespect to Andy and team, as I know they have put a lot of hard work into it for our benefit and with the best of intentions for us all. I hope to summon up the enthusiasm to resurrect the Waverley West layout thread sometime.


    Anyway, enough of that. Glad to have found you again! I can now carry on watching your thread, so thanks for posting it again and please keep posting!




    Waverley West



    Dave, I am also having problems with the "New look". As yet I have not made the leap with "Doncaster is going blue". I am not sure if I ever will.


    As you, respect to Andy and the team. But I do not find the new site easy to use / find my way around.

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