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Posts posted by Marly51

  1. So much for my good intentions... but railway modelling has still been on hold. Just too many family commitments! Unfortunately I had slimmed down my photograph collection and some images were lost when an older iPad battery failed! However I should be able to upload a number of missing images, to most of my topics, as these were saved on my main computer. Looking forward to spending a bit more time on the Forum checking up on members projects and maybe this winter some of my own projects will move forward!

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  2. Like a number of us, I have a large model railway project in my workshop, but the occasional small project provides a welcome change. I have enjoyed the CakeBox Challenges over the last few years and still have a couple to complete this winter. However one thing I would like to focus on first is setting up my rolling roads for N gauge, 00 gauge and 0 gauge. I have a particular interest in the Scottish steam era of the 1940s/1950s, mainly the Highland Railway lines and Caledonian Railway.

    Having claimed three small timber plinths which my husband made to raise the height of his computer and keyboard and was about to discard, I have decided to create some changeable scenic backdrops with low relief features, perhaps even the occasional complete station model or building, as well. One plinth is 4ins x 24ins and two are 4ins x 12ins. These small ‘rolling road’ dioramas could also be used as a photographic backdrop.




    I plan to have the 00 track and N gauge track laid on one board, with the 0 gauge on a second. For the dual gauge rolling road, a platform would fit over the track not required. I still need to work out the logistics for these small dioramas, but would like to be able to store everything in one or two storage boxes. 



    This would be an opportunity to make some fictitious dioramas using my collection of unassembled card kits and backdrops, as well as base others on real locations, building everything from scratch. I have the DCC Concepts Multi Gauge (00 & N) Rolling Road for 4 axles, and still to purchase the 0 gauge version.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Andrew D said:


    Thank you so much Marlyn! Glad you enjoyed. I still need to titivate the wiring and clean up those sidings but I'm very pleased with it. I've just been filmed for BBC Alba with it for a Gaelic series starting in September. 


    Excuse the unashamed plug, but if you enjoy old Highland Railway Routes, you might enjoy this video on my 'main' channel: 




    Thanks a lot! 

    Thanks, Andrew - will check it out. I have never walked the full Strathspey Way, but am familiar with the sections at Grantown, Advie, Dailuaine and Aberlour. Visited the old Grantown East Station a couple of years ago to check out the renovation there. Many happy childhood memories of hot summers by the River Spey, with the occasional sound of the trains passing through on the east and west lines.



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  4. Really enjoying your YouTube videos of Chandwell, Michael! Your explanation on how to design hipped roofs is so clear, well done! Back in the day (before the wonders of computer vector programs) I discovered the joy of making buildings from paper and card and found the compasses from my trusty school geometry set one of my favourite tools!



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  5. On 26/03/2021 at 22:34, Andrew D said:

    I have uploaded a video of Dale Green in action - I hope you enjoy it. I overlayed sounds from the Nene Valley Railway over the first half a la Mouldy Raspberry, then left the second half 'au naturel.' 


    And yes, I know that the Brake Van and coal wagon are three sheets to the wind! Quality Peco wheel sets...  They have since been changed :) 


    Enjoy the video. 





    Hi Andrew, Just came across your excellent video when I was browsing YouTube. What a beautifully modelled layout and the details are so well observed. Coincidentally, some of my family from a couple of generations back lived in the cottages above the distillery at Dailuaine. A number of our menfolk had distillery connections in Strathspey, but most were tenant farmers in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Like you, I also enjoy exploring the old Highland railway routes!



  6. 12 hours ago, BennyBobRM said:

    Not much to update on, the layout has been moved up to it's permanent home at my student flat. I have since put together the fiddle yard board for the layout and ran the layout as a full setup for the first time. Since then no real progress has been made as have been prepping for and sitting exams. Perhaps the most exciting update however is the arrival of a pair of Balerno Branch coach kits from the Caley Coaches range, which I really look forward to putting together, they look like a really sweet little pair of coaches.



    Thank you for highlighting these Caley Coach kits! I think one of these might be a good opportunity to have a go at putting together an etched kit!

  7. 17 hours ago, Keith Addenbrooke said:

    Thank you too to @Phil Parker for organising the challenge for us - I’m sure I read previously that this kind of thing is an extra, and I’ll bet there’s more work involved in setting up webpages and voting systems than many of us realise (I know I wouldn’t know where to start).  I can only speak for myself, but I know I make more progress on all my modelling projects as a result of the stimulus and encouragement that comes with cakeboxing.


    Maybe the next one should be a Garden Rail competition (dimensions of a seed tray?).


    Also to acknowledge @jrb as sponsor with a very generous and totally appropriate prize offering.  Thank you.

    I think there are a few of us with unfinished CakeBoxes from earlier challenges, as well as others with an idea yet to materialise! Even if there are no more CakeBox challenges we could still post personal progress on individual projects?

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  8. Didn’t manage to complete the tartan detailing on my figures, in time for the submission. I have tried to emulate two family tartans ‘Hunting Stewart’ from my first kilt and ‘Macdonald’ from my grandmother’s folks. The laird’s kilt detail was hampered a bit by the sharp folds in the model and even my finest brush struggled! Grandma Giles’ brolly and her specs were created from fine wire (with the addition of tissue and clay for the brolly).



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  9. On 14/04/2021 at 21:35, Spotlc said:



    Here's The Peacock and Olivers, posed next to what I think is another long deleted Superquick, the Estate agents shop. I bought this at auction and restored it, but I can find no trace of it in any older catalogues - perhaps it's not Superquick?   The building on the right is from a publication called Making a Model Village, which I seem to have downloaded in 2006, but again, I know nothing about it's origin, publisher or copyright.  I have the whole document, and could email it to anyone interested, but it's a 325mb file and would be a slow old job!


    It is in .tif format, which this site will not accept, but I've converted the general view to PDF:

    village.pdf  to give you an idea.  There are nine or ten different buildings with drawings and simplified instructions;  there are no textures, just the outline drawings and a sketch of each building. PM me if you are interested.


    Cheers,  Mike


    Some of these old books on scratch building are very interesting. I can also recommend John H. Ahern’s book ‘Miniature Building Construction’. I bought my copy some years ago from the Pendon Museum shop, but second hand copies are available through Abebooks.



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  10. Well it’s been my usual last minute dash... figures still need more detail, but the model has now been submitted into the ‘Challenge’. I was trying to add a few more ‘Emett’ features... some ‘spear-topped’ railings made from wire and paper triangles, and there is a clay mouse and bird lying around somewhere. As this has been my first model, after being tied up for most of 2020, I have discovered many small pots of paints need replacing and my workshop needs a good tidy.


    It’s been good fun following the progress of all the amazing models. 










    NB. The two chimneys, one on the station halt and one on the locomotive, have extension pieces, which are removable and enable the model to fit neatly inside the cake box.



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  11. Train is as complete as it can be! Couple of things drying for the scenery, text written, photos to finalise then ready to submit!


    Like the locomotive, the carriage is made from paper, cereal box card and grey card, with the details drawn up on the computer and printed out onto matt photo paper. The chassis is made from card with two sets of Hornby 00 plastic carriage wheels. Buffers are drawing pins set into clay-filled sections of drinking straw.




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