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Posts posted by Erictheviking

  1. I use a Helmsman controller, can output up to 5A I believe. As I was told when considering it, " Under powered is fine but if someone turns up wanting to run a big Heljan diseasa"l....... ( Absolutely most unlikely) but it is a big beast with a huge heat sink and resets shorts in moments.

  2. Perhaps one thing that the series missed was to have a voiceover or line from a presenter/judge at the end of each episode saying "If you'd like to know more about model railways, take a look at our website," and a page on the C5 website featuring a more in-depth look at the techniques employed, links to Kathy's blog, unused footage etc.

    That is certainly a good suggestion. Maybe the producers will take that on board, if not for now, certainly for series two. It should be relatively easy to develop the links and monitor the site.

  3. For what it's worth, my wife was a licenced chaperone, she worked on tv series too numerous to mention, in theatres particularly with Bill Kenwright productions when touring and major films on various locations. She agrees that having children in the show would have been difficult unless supervised by parents as they would require overnight supervision as well as daytime/filming time because the location was not, for the bulk of them, within reach at the begining and end of the day. I am correct in assuming that the teams all needed overnight accomodation? ( Aberdeen being some distance away) . Another problem would be getting permission from head teachers, who are under the LEA cosh on attendence, next is doctors certification that the child is fit and well. And as stated, having DBS checking only proves that your intentions are honourable or, you haven't been caught yet, as has proved the case several times.

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  4. Aberdeen, worthy winners. Fantastic, fantasy interpretation. Have just watched on 5 on Demand. But I have to say the whole series was really excellent and great fun to observe, not nescecarily always fun to be involved in I imagine. ( stressful). Congratulations to everyone involved, real graft! I just wish the narrator hadn't kept referring to narrow gauge when talking about N gauge. I look forward to seeing it at Warley.

  5. I thought this week was pretty good, I quite like the odd gimmick, servos are wonderful things, love the fact that LED's are so versatile and think animations are great fun.The MeRG stands always attract attention. I also think the best team won with their well thought out, very humerous, Santa train(s).

    I can see the points of view of purists who wish to recreate a railway scene/ area/ era as is/ was, as well as rivet counters, and also people like me who try their best but know historical accuracy and truth are a long way off, I do still wonder why a respected modeller, would inflict a shoe or toilet plunger onto teams obviously taking the competition so seriously? I wait to see what next weeks items will be.

    Off to the show Greenock tomorrow, only small but always interesting.

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