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Everything posted by GWR57xx

  1. Hi Andy, I don't know if this information will be of any use to you or anyone in a similar situation. My ipad that refuses to display images turns out to be an ipad 3 from 2012 (model A1430)! It's been fine up til now, but since I do most of my RMWeb browsing on it rather than the PC I can't continue without being able to see images so a brand new ipad 8 is on order . Thanks for all your efforts.
  2. Hi Andy, re the ipad issue, I tried it on my better half's slightly newer ipad and it all worked fine . I'm trying a reboot of my old ipad to see if that clears the problem. Edit: nope - my old ipad (IOS 9.3.6 is as far as it will go) still doesn't display properly. The missus' newer ipad is on IOS 12.4.8 (still quite old!) and works fine. I guess I'll just have to relegate my ipad to use as a chopping board and upgrade... It worked perfectly well with the previous software though.
  3. Hi Andy, This is the topic I first noticed it on, but all subsequent topics were the same problem on the ipad - no images: Also, I'm having to do this reply on my PC because the ipad also doesn't display the "+Quote" button or the "Reply to Thread" window. Edited because link failed to show after submitting reply, even though it showed when previewed and is showing in edit mode. Link is to "Layout Topics"->"Parkend Marsh Sidings in P4" by Re6/6.
  4. Haven't seen this issue mentioned yet, but images don't appear to be displaying at all on my ipad using Safari? I've tried several different threads, all display fine on my PC but without images on the ipad. Thanks
  5. @P.C.M apologies if you've already attended to this, but in your photos from 30 June showing the traverser you appear to have soldered the track to copper/brass strip but I don't see any breaks in the metal between the rails?
  6. I also haven't read these books, but would now like to. I came across this website, which appears to have most of the series for free download: https://archive.org/details/TheNewDiscworldCompanion On my PC this link opened "Colour of Magic" in a kind of reader view. Scroll down a bit and there's a list of books in the series. Scroll down a bit further and there's a list of download options. There are several format options including EPub, Kindle, PDF, Txt etc. I've just tried downloading the EPub edition of "Colour of Magic" to my IPad and seems to be ok. Worth a try if you don't mind reading from a screen - I usually prefer a real paper book and if I get engrossed in the series I'll probably end up buying them if I can get them. Sadly, "Raising Steam" (book 40) and "The Shepherd's Crown" (book 41) don't appear to be listed - only goes as far as book 39 plus some extras. @bridgiesimon: Simon, apologies for putting this post in your layout thread but it is kind of on-topic . Loving your layout, superb workmanship.
  7. I intend to make a straight cut along the fold line through the back sheet of aluminium and most of the inner layer, leaving just the front sheet of aluminium to be folded (found an online video showing this approach, seemed to work fine). When doing the fold I'll need to clamp the edge (the video showed a manufacturer's special tool for doing this, so I'll have to improvise). Hope it works! 😧
  8. A parcel arrived late last night from Grainge & Hodder containing some 6mm ply panels to make up the control panel: Here they are just slotted together, but fit together perfectly: And with the dibond panel propped in to check the fit, alongside the cardboard prototype: Panel needs drilling for LEDs and switches, then folding to fit the enclosure. The ply will be treated with shellac and varnish before glueing together. Then all the electrickery needs to be installed... Very very pleased with the panel and the enclosure, just hope my finished article does them justice. 🙂
  9. Panel propped inside just to check the fit, alongside the CAD mockup (Cardboard Aided Design) - thanks @BusDriverMan! (Panel needs folding to fit).
  10. A parcel arrived late last night: Superb service from Grainge & Hodder - I wasn't expecting this so quickly. Slots together beautifully: I'd better get on with drilling and folding the dibond panel... Very happy - hope my finished control panel does it justice 🙂
  11. Seems a pity to cover up the superb view along the platforms through the roof trusses, but excellent work all round.
  12. I believe art-printers will print them taller for you if you ask (see their page "custom back scenes").
  13. I was intending to use the DCC Concepts Cobalt-S levers to control the points but they've been unavailable for over a year now with no sign of them re-appearing so I've given up and resorted to standard DPDT switches instead. Slightly disappointing but at least I know I'll be able to get replacements and/or additional ones whenever I need them.
  14. I can't believe it's been so long since I posted on this thread 😮! Things have been progressing, but at a very slow pace and in several different directions. I seem to be able to work on many things in parallel and not finish any of them! The reason for posting now is that the latest side project involves the control panel for the layout, and last week I came across this topic: which introduced me to printing onto dibond panels (an aluminium composite material). Long story short, I ordered a panel for Hinton Road Shed: Full story here:
  15. My dibond panel arrived from PremierPrint: Overall I'm very pleased with the result. The colours and print resolution are an exact match to my original PDF file. The panel measures 306mm square, which is the smallest they allow (I had specified 310mm square). The circles with an X are where leds and switches will go, so the X gives me an exact point to aim for with the drill. The panel was very well packed and protected for shipping, but despite that there are a couple of scrapes on the surface, circled in red: These must have been done either prior to or during packing, as the outer packaging was not damaged in any way. Pity. I am also a bit concerned about how durable the printed surface will be, so I've ordered some clear sticky-back plastic to cover it with, to give it a bit more protection. For the price (£13.66 inc VAT & delivery) I can't fault it. I ordered it gone midnight last Friday/Saturday morning and it was delivered today (Thursday) less than a week later. Amazing - how did we manage before internet shopping? A bit more detail: The panel is 3mm thick, which is ideal for mounting switches and leds and also rigid so won't need any support except at the edges. Eventually I plan to mount it in an enclosure made from 6mm ply. My cardboard mock-up to prove the concept: (The final version will be a couple of inches deeper at the back). I'll need to bend the panel through approx 60 degrees which will involve cutting through the back aluminium sheet across the full width then carefully bending to the right shape. I was originally going to order the switch panel separate to the led display panel, but PremierPrint's minimum size requirement wouldn't allow this, so I thought I'd try this approach instead. What could possibly go wrong?? My DXF file with plans for the enclosure are in the queue with Grainge & Hodder to be laser cut, so will be several weeks before they arrive. I think this is going to work out vastly better than what I had previously thought I could achieve 🙂
  16. Unfortunately Model Railway Solutions are not taking any orders for bespoke work at present, nor is Tim Horn. I drew mine up in QCAD and saved it as a pdf to send to the printers.
  17. Great information, thanks everyone. I've recently been pondering how to build my control panel, so this is very timely . I'm thinking of having the enclosure made up as a custom job by one of the laser baseboard suppliers. For the mimic and switch panels I'd settled on the ply, paper, acrylic sandwich idea but the dibond looks to knock that into a cocked hat. I've just placed an order with PremierPrint (https://www.premierprint.co.uk/) so I'll post a photo when it arrives.
  18. If you click on the "Activity" tab at the top of the page there is an option "Content I Started". Would that get you where you want to be?
  19. Hi Simon, Apologies if this is too late to be of use. I was looking through my newly purchased copy of "The 2-8-0 Tank Papers" (Ian Sixsmith, Irwell Press) and noticed three photos that include 35 ton hoists: p26, Worcester p43, St Blazey p61, Worcester None of them is really a shot of the hoist itself, rather the engines under them. You can see a fair bit of the hoists though, so may be of use. Cheers Peter
  20. Thanks. I've just had another look, taken the roof off (mind the handrail!) and done what you suggest and put the roof back on and it's now much better.
  21. My two 48xx arrived yesterday . Great service as usual from Tower Models. Unfortunately both have the issue with the tiny screws from the plate under the front drivers not doing their job. A couple of bits of detail loose in the box, easily resolved. Considering how far these have travelled and how many times they've been shipped and handled and how much small detail there is to be damaged, they've survived remarkably well. The only complaint I have (apart from the screws) is the daylight either side of the cab roof and the cab sides. Probably no more than 0.5mm each side, but very noticeable. Anyone else had this? It doesn't look as though the cab sides are splayed out, more like the roof just isn't quite wide enough?
  22. Another superb bit of work - you are setting a very high bar, I'm thinking maybe I should just give up now!
  23. Posted this morning on Tower Models' website: Good news from Dapol, we should hopefully receive later on today the first of the sound equipped versions of the 48xx/14xx/58xx 0-4-2 Autotanks. The delivery is expected later on in the day so we will get as many of them off today as we can but the majority will be despatched tomorrow. Those for numbering and weathering will be through to the workshop tomorrow night and should hopefully the first of them should be completed in the next ten days or so.
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