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Andy Brooks

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Posts posted by Andy Brooks

  1. 7 hours ago, Bo-Bo said:

    Andy call me old fashioned but I still like to have the magazine in my hand to read.

    I agree Bo-Bo I like to have the magazine in my hand to read.. 


    7 hours ago, Keith Addenbrooke said:

    Just to clarify, the BRM TV DVD content is included in the digital subscription download too so you do get to watch it.

    I heard that it's included as well.. But also understand they have a bit more on the digital TV form.

  2. Hello fellow modellers.

    I am a subscriber of BRM Magazine paper form.. But i have been thinking of transferring it to the Digital form. 

    But was wondering what the Pros and cons are with Digital... 

    I like the fact with a paper Magazine I can flick through it at work and know the power isn't going to fade. But I like the idea of the digital form. If i could get peoples opinions on both that would be great.



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  3. 2 hours ago, TheQ said:

    £20, membership seems very cheap,  have you priced up hall Hire? The cheapest we've found was about £70 a day in our bit of Norfolk.  So half day hire (52*35)/20= 91club members . Remember you are still going to need layout storage,  an hour to clean up the hall each meeting


    Heya TheQ... Yeap hire of the hall is going to be very cheap or none exsistant as we are both Cub leaders at the hall. And do alot for the scouts so the hall is cheap for us :) 


    Oh yes of course i forgot about Aylsham i try and pop along if i can. :) But i agree with needing a committee 



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  4. Heya everyone.

    I am after some advise from fellow model railway club owners etc. Me and a friend of mine would like to start are own Club here in Dereham Norfolk and i was wondering if i could get some advice. Etc Insurance what we need, Pricing (we thinking £20 a annual fee which includes hire of hall) and anything else that we might need to know about starting a club. 

    Also what is the appropriate club time length eg 12 until 6 etc



    Andy B


  5. Yeah i know GeoffinOz :) Its not quite finished yet but I got a couple of ideas :).. The Wall at the back comes from an old Platform and the Steps are from an old Small Signal box :)

    Although on the top Im going to put an old Graffiti Carriage  and im going to put an old Tail lamp on or near the Beach hut :)

    Thanks for the Idea though.. Hmmm... 



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  6. Heya all.

    I love the idea of this challenge brings back fond memories of the coast both as a child and to this present day. I decided that i wanted to try and teach myself to use the Realistic water and water effects for the waves. This is my attempt so far. There is still lots to do on it yet.





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  7. Heya.

    Having really thinking about this one.. I had thought about doing one with a skeleton on the station with British railway written above it. But as it's hard to find a skeleton this time of year I decided to leave it like this.

    The gentleman has stubbled across this old station that is longing for love and care and to have the waiting train, wait no longer. The thought of opening this line as a heritage line gets him thinking about other stations that could be along this old line... He stares up the embankment dreaming of what could be a great new project. He dreams of steam locomotives, diesel engines, coaches and wagons. All the people and passengers that would enjoy riding his new long awaiting train to arrive back into the small town of Falcon.



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