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Blog Entries posted by OliverRowley

  1. OliverRowley
    BR to NCB
    Hello everyone, this thread hopefully will evolve into a thread for sharing pictures of mainline (or BR locomotives) being transferred into industrial use. No NCB limitation, I just needed a catchy title.
    So as a debut post here’s my Bachmann Midland 1F convert from BR late crest, using Railtech transfers.
    With the crests removed and numbers too. These were replaced with NCB equivalents. And the driver and fireman are painted into Heapton Green overalls from ‘RTR’ figures. The lamp is hung for extra detail; as is the real coal and tools in the bunker. Too clean for a colliery locomotive of course! She will be weathered in due course.
    BR shed plates and number plates on the smoke box were kept as a nod to the loco’s previous life.
    This is not prototypical in anyway, although in the world of Heapton (my layout) the chairman of the BR Midland Region was closely friends with the chief motive collector- the bloke in charge of the motive power at the Heapton Colliery mine Railway system- (presumably someone like this did exists for one or a few mines together?) so when the ageing Heapton Colliery fleet went wrong favours were asked and one of these was the acquisition of this 1F (which happened to be the preserved example in real life) amongst others. After providing a good service a full purchase was made and number “722” became a prominent member of the fleet working across the network. From the inner city Wagon Works to the steep climb from the mine itself. Here working as banker as well as being banked with heavily weighted trains.
    Looking good with some Stoke-on-Trent based wagons and one of her shed-mates
    Here’s a link to my YouTube video on the topic

    So go for it- I look forward to seeing what you guys have done
    Apparently the pictures I've attached aren't here- Sorry
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