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Posts posted by Tourn

  1. I'm in the process of pinning down the subject of my first real OO gauge layout, which I plan to build this summer. As it will be a small sort of shelf layout, I'm leaning towards a steam era BLT - the classic rural kind, located in the middle of nowhere, with cattle docks and coal staithes and nothing in the background but bucolic countryside.


    I want to build something with reasonable accuracy to the prototype, but as I am a student with a young person's budget and modelling experience, I'd also like to stick to locomotives and stock which are both RTR and not too pricey. 


    My dilemma is this: I come across nice little locos (mostly the recent influx of Bachmann LMS types) with vague descriptions of being "branch line" engines, but when I try to find prototypical information on the net about where specifically they worked, I come up with very little. So I'm turning to the RMweb brain trust for any information about locomotives like the Midland 1F, the 3F & 4F 0-6-0s, the Coal Tank, the Lanky 2-4-2T, and the 64xx. Did any of these run on the sort of rural branches I'm looking at, or were they more limited to industrial branches or longer cross-country routes?


    Info about specific branches (or even better, pictures!) would be especially welcome, if anything springs to mind, but whatever information you can share is appreciated.

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