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mike lee

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Posts posted by mike lee

  1. Rob, Thanks for the info on MBR, using your link I get into the 'High Bushes' page OK, but unfortunately, for me anyway, I am getting the following message, 'This page isn't working at the moment', when I try to negotiate other things on their site? I will try again later.


    Was it the Light Green bushes you used as that is where the link sends you, for me, these seem the best colour anyway?






  2. Hi Rob.


    I Have been following all your 'Sheep' related layouts with great interest and I am in awe at the modelling of your layouts and the weathering of your stock. On 'Sheep Dip' could you please tell me how you have constructed the shrubs/bushes, these are so effective and lifelike, I have had a search through your posts but can't find anything!


    Regards Mike

  3. Can anybody help please. A few years ago I acquired a lot of stock with EM gauge wheels with the intention of building an EM gauge layout. I now wish to use the stock on standard 16.5mm gauge code 100 track. Rather than purchase a load of wheels and re-wheel the wagons, if I just re-gauge the wheels to 16.5mm gauge, will they run on the code 100 track OK? Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks.

  4. Dave, thanks for that.


    I am actually registered with Textures.com, never thought of looking there. I have actually used some of their downloads on my layouts in the past. Had forgotten about them as I have not done much scenic modelling lately so not been on their site, you have spurred me on to have another look. Its the building with the 'square windows' that I am interested in for future reference.


    Regards Mike  

  5. Thanks for you reply Darius, you have spurred me on to do a bit more digging. 


    It looks as though it is based on a Continental Res Container Flat Wagon. Google Images has come up with a very close wagon, however all the ones I have found so far are stake wagons, the Lima wagon doesn't have stakes, or provision for them, it has slots for fitting ratchet straps.


    I will have to keep on doing a bit more investigating. Regards Mike Lee

  6. Help please, I have acquired as part of a job lot some ‘Lima OO Bogie Wagon Lorry Transporters’ which are from the ‘Operating Container Terminal Set 600960’ and usually came with Dunlop and Seatrain articulated lorries, amongst others. Don't know if they were sold individually or only came as part of a set? Can anybody tell me if these are based on a prototype wagon or not, and if so which, even if it is based on a continental wagon, as I also model French Railways. I have tried searching on Tinternet but have not come up with anything?


    Thanks Mike Lee

  7. I am wanting to remove some printed images i.e. early crests, loco and wagon numbering etc from some loco's and wagons. I was going to use T-Cut, went to buy some, and there are 2 different types: T Cut Original Restorer and T-Cut Scratch Remover. Can anybody tell me please, which is the best for removing printed images? Is there any difference between them?


    Regards Mike Lee

  8. Sorry for this long winded question?


    I originally posted this item under 'Lima 16T Mineral Wagons' but I am starting a new topic that more reflects what I require. A lot of people might not log onto the 'Lima 16T Mineral Wagons' heading but might be more inclined to log onto 'Modifying & Upgrading 7mm Wagons' as that is what I am wanting to do.


    I am fairly new to modelling in 7mm Standard Gauge, though I have modelled in 7mm Narrow Gauge, OO, HO and Gn15. I am amazed at how different, to me anyway, 7mm modelling is from 4mm modelling, apart from the obvious scaling up. So I thought I would start this topic to help me source the items of equipment I need and the knowledge to help me model in 7mm Standard Gauge, and also help anybody else that might be in the same predicament as me? 


    My original Post was:


    'One of the next items on the agenda is 3 link couplings.


    For uncoupling, I have made an uncoupling hook using some very small neodyme magnets, 1mm x 4mm glued inside a length of plastic tube, with about 1mm protruding out the end, this actually works a treat, it is just strong enough to comfortably lift the 3 link coupling and pull away afterwards easily. The 3 link coupling comprises of the two top links being non magnetic, and only the bottom link being a magnetic link. That way the magnet on the end of the uncoupling hook will only pick up the last link and will not try and connect to any of the other links, if all the links were magnetic. Hope that makes sense. 


    Using a magnet is a lot easier than trying to use a hook, honestly.


    All the links I have, or I have found are magnetic, i.e. the Peco/Parkside 3 link coupling packs PS50 etc and the Peco 3 link coupling packs and hooks RO4 are all magnetic. I just happened to have half a dozen from 'I know not where' to carry out my initial experiments.


    My question is: does anybody know, please, where I can get some correct scale, non magnetic, brass etc, links/chain from. I need them for all my wagons'.


    I did not get the amount of responses  I though I would get, possibly due to where I originally posted the question, i.e. under 'Lima 16T Mineral Wagons'. Though I did get one excellent response from Ernie, 'The Bigbee Line' on how to make links using a jigsaw blade as a former. Check it out under 'Lima 16T Mineral Wagons'. 


    Rather than making them, I want to go down the easy option of obtaining non magnetic links. They are obviously available somewhere, I had some? Does anybody know, please, where I can get some correct scale, non magnetic, brass etc, links/chain from to enable me to make 'non magnetic' 3 link couplings?


    So my question is: does anybody know, please, where I can get some correct scale, non magnetic, brass etc, links/chain from to enable me to make up some 3 link couplings?


    Regards Mike Lee

  9. John


    The picture on the pack of couplings I have, is the same as the one you showed that you got off the internet, but the contents are different? I might contact PECO if all else fails, but have not had much luck in the past in contacting them!



  10. Thanks for the replies.



    On the Peco/Parkside 3 link couplings, the the picture shows brass coloured links but the links inside the packet are black coloured and are magnetic, item PS50, I have a packet in front of me. Maybe when they were Parkside they were brass but now they are Peco maybe they have changed them? Certainly Peco's 3 link coupling packs and hooks RO4 are all magnetic, they might be using them as they are a Peco brand and already stocked?

    I tried a hook, like you show, before I made the magnetic uncoupling hook. As I said 'Using a magnet is a lot easier than trying to use a hook, honestly', don't knock it till you have tried it.



    If I can't get any non magnetic, brass etc, links/chain, my option was to try and make some. If I can't get any, I will certainly try doing it your way, an excellent idea.


    I would still like to go down the easy option of obtaining non magnetic links. They are obviously available somewhere, I had some? Does anybody know, please, where I can get them from? 


    Mike Lee           


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